Usage for hash tag: FrankstonRoverMedal

  1. Tonga Bob

    Official Team Thread Coney Island Warriors | Season 37 Team Thread | Twenty Seasons Of Coney Qootball
    Threadmarks: Round Twenty Review

    ...TheInjuryFactory toxic TubbsFarquhar Volbeat zackah One last time to vote before we tally them up and run a Frankie. Round 20 #FrankstonRoverMedal Tonga Bob 5 votes) FootyGuy13 4 votes) spudmaster 3 votes) TheInjuryFactory 2 votes) The Filth Wizard 1 vote) pantskyle Don't worry...
  2. Ocha905

    Official Team Thread Coney Island Warriors | Season 37 Team Thread | Twenty Seasons Of Coney Qootball

    #FrankstonRoverMedal Tonga Bob Round 3 vs Swamprats 5. Piggy Smalls 4. Pantskyle 3. Purple 2. Mesc 1. Paracleet Round 4 vs OOB’s 5. Pantskyle 4. Footyguy 3. The Filth Wizard 2. TheInjuryFactory 1. Freofalcon Round 5 vs Demons 5. Tonga Bob 4. Piggy Smalls 3. Dinsdale 2. The Filth Wizard...
  3. Tonga Bob

    Official Team Thread Coney Island Warriors | Season 37 Team Thread | Twenty Seasons Of Coney Qootball
    Threadmarks: Round Eighteen Review

    ...toxic TubbsFarquhar Volbeat zackah Not that long left to get your Frankie votes in lads so bloody well chop chop. Round 18 #FrankstonRoverMedal Tonga Bob 5 votes) FootyGuy13 4 votes) spudmaster 3 votes) pantskyle 2 votes) zackah 1 vote) Stokey Anyone that had a crack at the...
  4. Tonga Bob

    Official Team Thread Coney Island Warriors | Season 37 Team Thread | Twenty Seasons Of Coney Qootball
    Threadmarks: Round Sixteen Review

    ...Snuffaluphagus spudmaster Stokey The Filth Wizard TheInjuryFactory toxic TubbsFarquhar Volbeat zackah Time 4 votes. Round 16 #FrankstonRoverMedal Tonga Bob 5 votes) toxic 4 votes) Stokey 3 votes) Freofalcon 2 votes) TubbsFarquhar 1 vote) Mesc Jimmy crack pwned and I don't care
  5. Tonga Bob

    Official Team Thread Coney Island Warriors | Season 37 Team Thread | Twenty Seasons Of Coney Qootball
    Threadmarks: Round Fourteen Review

    ...Stokey The Filth Wizard TheInjuryFactory toxic TubbsFarquhar Volbeat zackah Please Sir, may I have some votes?? Round 14 #FrankstonRoverMedal Tonga Bob 5 votes) Raveneyes 4 votes) Ocha905 3 votes) pantskyle 2 votes) TheInjuryFactory 1 vote) Freofalcon [shrugs shoulders forlornly]
  6. Tonga Bob

    Official Team Thread Coney Island Warriors | Season 37 Team Thread | Twenty Seasons Of Coney Qootball
    Threadmarks: Round Thirteen Review

    ...Stokey The Filth Wizard TheInjuryFactory TubbsFarquhar toxic Volbeat zackah Your votes please Wazzas :thumbsu: Round 13 #FrankstonRoverMedal Tonga Bob 5 votes) Ocha905 4 votes) Piggy Smalls 3 votes) pantskyle 2 votes) Bob, T. 1 vote) TubbsFarquhar F*ck it, me for calling their...
  7. Tonga Bob

    Official Team Thread Coney Island Warriors | Season 37 Team Thread | Twenty Seasons Of Coney Qootball
    Threadmarks: Round Twelve Review

    ...toxic TubbsFarquhar Volbeat zackah Thanks for those who have sent in Frankie votes so far, keep them coming!!! Round 12 #FrankstonRoverMedal Tonga Bob 5 votes) pantskyle 4 votes) Reginald Perrin 3 votes) Piggy Smalls 2 votes) Ocha905 1 vote) spudmaster The round was too nice imo, but...
  8. Tonga Bob

    Official Team Thread Coney Island Warriors | Season 37 Team Thread | Twenty Seasons Of Coney Qootball
    Threadmarks: Round Eleven Review

    ...Smoooothy Snuffaluphagus spudmaster Stokey The Filth Wizard TheInjuryFactory toxic TubbsFarquhar Volbeat zackah Do your worst. Round 11 #FrankstonRoverMedal Tonga Bob 5 votes) pantskyle 4 votes) Bob, T 3 votes) FootyGuy13 2 votes) TheInjuryFactory 1 vote) spudmaster Sim pwned us...
  9. spudmaster

    Official Team Thread Coney Island Warriors | Season 37 Team Thread | Twenty Seasons Of Coney Qootball

    Tonga Bob #FrankstonRoverMedal Round 4 #FrankstonRoverMedal 5. Pantskyle 4. Footyguy13 3. TheInjuryFactory 2. The Filth Wizard 1. Freofalcon Round 5 #FrankstonRoverMedal 5. Tonga Bob 4. Piggy Smalls 3. The Filth Wizard 2. Ocha905 1. Dinsdale Round 6 #FrankstonRoverMedal 5. Ocha905 4. Piggy...
  10. pantskyle

    Official Team Thread Coney Island Warriors | Season 37 Team Thread | Twenty Seasons Of Coney Qootball

    Round 10 #FrankstonRoverMedal Tonga Bob 5 votes) Bob, T. 4 votes) pantskyle 3 votes) zackah 2 votes) Piggy Smalls 1 vote) Ocha905
  11. Tonga Bob

    Official Team Thread Coney Island Warriors | Season 37 Team Thread | Twenty Seasons Of Coney Qootball
    Threadmarks: Round Ten Review

    ...Stokey The Filth Wizard TheInjuryFactory toxic TubbsFarquhar Volbeat zackah Tell me who you liked in vote form! Round 10 #FrankstonRoverMedal Tonga Bob 5 votes) Bob, T. 4 votes) pantskyle 3 votes) zackah 2 votes) Piggy Smalls 1 vote) Ocha905 The Scatman gets my nom. Who got yours?
  12. FootyGuy13

    Official Team Thread Coney Island Warriors | Season 37 Team Thread | Twenty Seasons Of Coney Qootball

    ...tell just how tilted Bob is getting with all these losses with how the match recaps are getting shorter and shorter. Anyway, #FrankstonRoverMedal Round 6 5 votes - Ocha905 4 votes - Piggy Smalls 3 votes - Raveneyes 2 votes - The Filth Wizard 1 vote - pantskyle Round 7 5 votes - pantskyle...
  13. Tonga Bob

    Official Team Thread Coney Island Warriors | Season 37 Team Thread | Twenty Seasons Of Coney Qootball
    Threadmarks: Round Eight Review

    ...Stokey The Filth Wizard TheInjuryFactory toxic TubbsFarquhar Volbeat zackah Please Sir, may I have some more votes? Round 8 #FrankstonRoverMedal Tonga Bob 5 votes) The Filth Wizard 4 votes) Purple7x08_24 3 votes) Bob, T. 2 votes) FootyGuy13 1 vote) Dinsdale Not sure if there's...
  14. Tonga Bob

    Official Team Thread Coney Island Warriors | Season 37 Team Thread | Twenty Seasons Of Coney Qootball
    Threadmarks: Round Seven Review

    ...Snuffaluphagus spudmaster Stokey The Filth Wizard TheInjuryFactory toxic TubbsFarquhar Volbeat zackah Votes. Round 7 #FrankstonRoverMedal Tonga Bob 5 votes) pantskyle 4 votes) Reginald Perrin 3 votes) Paracleet 2 votes) Mofra 1 vote) Freofalcon Anything aimed at Dumbarse probably.
  15. Tonga Bob

    Official Team Thread Coney Island Warriors | Season 37 Team Thread | Twenty Seasons Of Coney Qootball
    Threadmarks: Round Six Review

    ...Filth Wizard TheInjuryFactory toxic TubbsFarquhar Volbeat zackah Another round to chuck votes at lads. Get 'em in! Round 6 #FrankstonRoverMedal Tonga Bob 5 votes) Ocha905 4 votes) Piggy Smalls 3 votes) The Filth Wizard 2 votes) TheInjuryFactory 1 vote) Raveneyes Ocha905 you're...
  16. Dinsdale

    Official Team Thread Coney Island Warriors | Season 37 Team Thread | Twenty Seasons Of Coney Qootball

    RIGGED Round 5 #FrankstonRoverMedal Tonga Bob 5. Piggy Smalls 4. The Filth Wizard 3. Mesc 2. Purple7x08_24 1. Dinsdale Q. Piranha
  17. Tonga Bob

    Official Team Thread Coney Island Warriors | Season 37 Team Thread | Twenty Seasons Of Coney Qootball
    Threadmarks: Round Five Review

    ...toxic TubbsFarquhar Volbeat zackah Thanks to everyone that have slung votes my way, please keep them coming! Round 5 #FrankstonRoverMedal Tonga Bob 5 votes) Piggy Smalls 4 votes) Bob, T 3 votes) The Filth Wizard 2 votes) Ocha905 1 vote) Mesc I'm giving my nom this week to...
  18. Tonga Bob

    Official Team Thread Coney Island Warriors | Season 37 Team Thread | Twenty Seasons Of Coney Qootball
    Threadmarks: Round Four Review

    ...Wizard TheInjuryFactory toxic TubbsFarquhar Volbeat zackah Thanks for your votes to date Wazzas, keep 'em coming in! Round 4 #FrankstonRoverMedal Tonga Bob 5 votes) pantskyle 4 votes) The Filth Wizard 3 votes) FootyGuy13 2 votes) TheInjuryFactory 1 vote) Freofalcon Probably the...
  19. FootyGuy13

    Official Team Thread Coney Island Warriors | Season 37 Team Thread | Twenty Seasons Of Coney Qootball

    #FrankstonRoverMedal Round 1 5 votes - Tonga Bob 4 votes - pantskyle 3 votes - FootyGuy13 2 votes - Ocha905 1 vote - Reginald Perrin Round 2 5 votes - Paracleet 4 votes - pantskyle 3 votes - Tonga Bob 2 votes - The Filth Wizard 1 vote - Raveneyes Round 3 5 votes - Ocha905 4 votes - pantskyle...
  20. Tonga Bob

    Official Team Thread Coney Island Warriors | Season 37 Team Thread | Twenty Seasons Of Coney Qootball
    Threadmarks: Round Three Review

    ...spudmaster Stokey The Filth Wizard TheInjuryFactory toxic TubbsFarquhar Volbeat zackah Time to vote, so have at it. Round 3 #FrankstonRoverMedal Tonga Bob 5 votes) Piggy Smalls 4 votes) pantskyle 3 votes) Ocha905 2 votes) Mesc 1 vote) Paracleet Sim gets it this week, unless Ocha...
  21. Tonga Bob

    Official Team Thread Coney Island Warriors | Season 37 Team Thread | Twenty Seasons Of Coney Qootball
    Threadmarks: Round Two Review

    ...The Filth Wizard TheInjuryFactory toxic TubbsFarquhar Volbeat zackah Back to the polls we go. Get ya votes in lads 👍 Round 2 #FrankstonRoverMedal Tonga Bob 5 votes) Paracleet 4 votes) FootyGuy13 3 votes) Piggy Smalls 2 votes) Dinsdale 1 vote) Bob, T. For the second week in a row it...
  22. Dinsdale

    Official Team Thread Coney Island Warriors | Season 37 Team Thread | Twenty Seasons Of Coney Qootball

    #FrankstonRoverMedal Tonga Bob ROUND 1 (spew) 5. Tonga Bob 4. TheInjuryFactory 3. FootyGuy13 2. Ocha905 1. Dinsdale P.
  23. Tonga Bob

    Official Team Thread Coney Island Warriors | Season 37 Team Thread | Twenty Seasons Of Coney Qootball
    Threadmarks: Round One Review

    ...from the previous round that are most deserving of recognition. And if you can, please tag me in when you vote along with the #FrankstonRoverMedal hashtag in order to help me collate the votes once the season's done and dusted. Here's my votes. What do yours look like? Round 1...
  24. spudmaster

    Official Team Thread Coney Island Warriors | Season 36 Team Thread | We Don't Need No Steenkin' Simulation | Frankston Rover Medal Ceremony Run & Won

    Elimination Final #FrankstonRoverMedal Tonga Bob 5. Zackah 4. Ocha 3. Pants 2. Tiffy 1. Filthy
  25. Tonga Bob

    Official Team Thread Coney Island Warriors | Season 36 Team Thread | We Don't Need No Steenkin' Simulation | Frankston Rover Medal Ceremony Run & Won
    Threadmarks: Elimination Final Review

    ...toxic TubbsFarquhar Volbeat zackah Last time Wazzas, get them in soon or forever hold your peace. Elimination Final #Frank#FrankstonRoverMedal 5 votes) zackah 4 votes) Ocha905 3 votes) pantskyle 2 votes) TheInjuryFactory 1 vote) The Filth Wizard Massive thanks to Ocha905 for sending...
  26. FootyGuy13

    Official Team Thread Coney Island Warriors | Season 36 Team Thread | We Don't Need No Steenkin' Simulation | Frankston Rover Medal Ceremony Run & Won

    #FrankstonRoverMedal Round 1: 5 votes - Tonga Bob 4 votes - TheInjuryFactory 3 votes - The Filth Wizard 2 votes - pantskyle 1 vote - zackah Round 2: 5 votes - TheInjuryFactory 4 votes - Tonga Bob 3 votes - pantskyle 2 votes - The Filth Wizard 1 vote - Reginald Perrin Round 3: 5 votes -...
  27. spudmaster

    Official Team Thread Coney Island Warriors | Season 36 Team Thread | We Don't Need No Steenkin' Simulation | Frankston Rover Medal Ceremony Run & Won

    #FrankstonRoverMedal Tonga Bob Round 9: 5. Ocha 4. Filthy 3. Bobby 2. Agent99-6 1. Zackah Round 10: 5. FG13 4. Bobby 3. Ocha 2. Pants 1. Zackah Round 11: 5. Pants 4. Bobby 3. Ocha 2. Zackah 1. Agent99-6 Round12: 5. Pants 4. RudeFijian 3. Bobby 2. Tiffy 1. Dins Round13: 🤮 5. Bobby 4. Zackah...
  28. Dinsdale

    Official Team Thread Coney Island Warriors | Season 36 Team Thread | We Don't Need No Steenkin' Simulation | Frankston Rover Medal Ceremony Run & Won

    Round 16 #FrankstonRoverMedal Tonga Bob 5. Freofalcon 4. Ocha905 3. CursingFijian 2. The Filth Wizard 1. Tonga Bob
  29. Tonga Bob

    Official Team Thread Coney Island Warriors | Season 36 Team Thread | We Don't Need No Steenkin' Simulation | Frankston Rover Medal Ceremony Run & Won
    Threadmarks: Round Sixteen Review

    ...spudmaster The Filth Wizard The Half Back TheInjuryFactory toxic TubbsFarquhar Volbeat zackah You know the drill. Round 16 #FrankstonRoverMedal Tonga Bob 5 votes) Ocha905 4 votes) CursingFijian 3 votes) Freofalcon 2 votes) Bob, T. 1 vote) Agent93 For once I have stuff to add to...