Usage for hash tag: gocatters

  1. Elmer_Hauser

    Off-topic Attention: Bigfooty Geelong Board.

    Negative energy destroys football clubs #gocatters
  2. Elmer_Hauser

    The Association Football AFL Thread almost falling off the cliff thanks to DangerFraud. Thanks to their KP home ground advantage, Geelong won't likely ever bottom out, but they are going to be Years away from challenging for a flag game.. No team in the league has worse/more unproven or shoddy youth than Geelong. #gocatters
  3. Elmer_Hauser

    Live Event Brisvegas Potentials vs Dads Army

    And the whinging begins. #gocatters 👜👜👜👛👛👛
  4. FreeTK

    Oppo Camp Regular Non Eagles Discussion bizarre. He is being chaired off in his final game by opposition players, who are the team he used to play for, and requesting a trade to his current team on in two successive years. That'd be like Geelong players chairing TK off in 6-7 years time. After TK tweets #gocatters through the...