Usage for hash tag: hostdecisionsarefinal

  1. Raveneyes

    Song Contest Part XXIII, Host: TubbsFarquhar, Theme: Annoyances/Inconveniences, Noms Due: Monday 10pm AEDT

    Thank you. Now don't mess with my round again, or I'll force a win and hosting onto you. #corruptionisfakenews #hostdecisionsarefinal
  2. Raveneyes

    Song Contest Part XXIII, Host: TubbsFarquhar, Theme: Annoyances/Inconveniences, Noms Due: Monday 10pm AEDT

    hotchilli already has 7 billies and -12 botes, after counting 4 sets of botes. #hostisalwaysright #hostdecisionsarefinal