Usage for hash tag: potkettleblack

  1. catscratchfever

    Meltdown The blue haired shrieking banshee communists vs the jan6 viking felonous fashies: the bay firteen US election fred

    It's also touching how stupidity can bring other people together. BTW is your idol Donald Dump guilty of fraud? #potkettleblack #HitTheFailOnTheHead #Sticky
  2. tige19

    Science/Environment Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Pandemic Declared

    ...healthy. Obesity-related illness in this country is far greater problem that CoronaVirus will ever be, let's hope the moronic posts by the doomsayers are fit and healthy individuals who would otherwise not be a stain on our healthcare, and I hope you are not the ones panic buying #potkettleblack
  3. Betts are off

    Mega Thread The Fireman Kornes and Ringo Rucci jumbo thread

    Ex Port player has dig at Crows for attendance? #potkettleblack