Usage for hash tag: Smirko

  1. Apples

    Roast DeGoey Arrested in NYC

    "Slither of hope" - is that a slimy, snakey sort of hope like #Smirko is banking on in Glasgow?
  2. Apples

    POLL: Where do you sit with the current EGM/board spill push?

    Don't tell me #Smirko's getting involved. That would completely stuff everything up.
  3. Apples

    Toast Presidency and The Board

    Holgate wasn't interested, but I had hoped she would be. She'd stood up to #Smirko and that, plus her business reputation, would have been a good fit. Geoff Browne was interested, but was not wanted. We took Neil Wilsonninstead. Browne was seen as being Eddie's man. Geoff Browne is still...