Usage for hash tag: Toxic

  1. Elmer_Judd

    Think Tank There once was a man, a shy and humble man. He had the strength of a bull and the skills of a surgeon. This week , that great man plays his 300th game

    How long before Dusty ends up in Gaol after he retires ? 2, 2 and a half (months) tops #Toxic #NotARoleModel
  2. C

    Oppo Camp Non-Eagles Discussion

    I assume it would be women in a ring online sharing images of their conquests. Imagine if men did that. #Toxic masculinity #rape culture #me too #women never behave badly.
  3. Dan

    news The General MMA & Combat Sports Discussion Thread

    Comment section post. #Toxic
  4. Dan

    Opinion Commentary & Media V

    We don’t need radical woke, veganism individuals at our club. #Toxic
  5. 4tune8

    BBL SUPERCOACH 2019/20

    Cheers Toxic that's really handy, particularly for the choice of C and VC, which is probably where the game is won. *Edit....and just casting an eye over the DGR's, rounds 4-7 are going to be the hardest to negotiate.