Usage for hash tag: vicpol

  1. Elmer_Hauser

    Give The Tigers a Priority Pick

    True. Having said that, I feel like #vicpol giving Geelong millions to build state of the art scoreboard at Goomba is excessive and inappropriate use of taxpayer money. No wonder I vote Greens these days.
  2. Elmer_Hauser

    The Carlton Crackhouse rehab center of mediocracy 2023 edition.

    If you are willing to bet your life on that (esp if you know all the evidence and testimony that #vicpol have accumulated about Dusty over the years, than you are a dead man. As much as Sco-Mo and his Muppet government pissed me off, they had legit and perfectly valid reasons for deporting...
  3. K

    2022 Victorian State Election-November 26

    amazing how much agro has gone from #springst and #vicpol twitter threads since the election ..... weird huh :drunk: these threads are now largely haunted by new-age hippies, anti-vaxxers and NWO conspiracy theorists ... with the odd appearance from well know anti-dan bots like jill the swinger...
  4. Elmer_Hauser

    flggr Underrated campaigners in the AFL

    Paul Dimmatina is another campaigner, constantly whinging about #vicpol and Dan Andrews cause of his failing restaurant due to covid19, which affected everyone.. Pull your head in floggo. The world doesn't revolve around you and your shitty Restaurant. Selfish Dog.
  5. The 747

    Victorian Covid Outbreak 2021

    Don't let it get you down mate, everywhere has their fair share of idiots and this is a big city. I note that our brave #vicpol are not quite so keen to confront people who might fight back......
  6. Elmer_Hauser

    Live Event C’mon Bulldogs, don’t let us down versus 6666 days without a finals winington (OP secretly <3s Essendon)

    Reported to #vicpol for breaking Curfew/Quarantine:D
  7. Elmer_Hauser

    The off topic thread 4.0

    ...unfortunately the Vic Govt's harsh and strict lockdown measures are necessary. I am sorry for the interrupted/disrupted education our kids will suffer from as well as loss as income for businesses and employees, this was the only sensible and responsible measure that #vicpol could have taken.
  8. The 747

    Scandal Dani Laidley Arrested - Leave the Tasteless Jokes at the Door When Entering

    Good to hear, now what happened to all the #vicpol who breached his rights?
  9. The 747

    Rumour Jack Steven Stabbing Incident

    Any sane person should be very wary about talking to anyone from #vicpol