Usage for hash tag: whatabouthillary

  1. Chief

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 9 - The Shi'ites Hit The Fan (Cont. in Part 10, see OP)

    Just to cover all the bases so we don't need 30 posts defending Trump: #fakenews #draintheswamp #deepstate #TDSLogic #whatabouthillary #whataboutbiden #whataboutclinton
  2. Chief

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 9 - The Shi'ites Hit The Fan (Cont. in Part 10, see OP)

    Out of all that of course you pick Pizzagate and #whatabouthillary Why did you leave out the deranged Birther conspiracy - a fire that Trump himself fanned?