Usage for hash tag: witnesstotheshitness

  1. gutsroy

    Game Day 2024 Round 9 Discussion

    Suggesting keys to Scoops and Scythe94 must come with the appropriate trigger warning. #neverforget #witnesstotheshitness #lacesoutjezza
  2. gutsroy

    Game Day Round 4 discussion.

    Not playing on from kick-ins. Spraying easy passes. Dropping uncontested marks in the clear. Tripping over his own feet. The complete performance from Dochers today. #witnesstotheshitness
  3. gutsroy

    Game Day 2022 SC Round 5 ... Recovery Week

    BJ a deadset lock to go for 20 here, hell, 30’s not out of the question. #witnesstotheshitness