Opinion Warren Tredrea - Court Case and Politics

Gee I’m glad we got this dumb wellness cooker on our board so he can sack Ken
Mistake in hindsight. I wish I hadn't voted for him. The board is still as pissweak as it ever was, just with a nutjob thrown in.
Mistake in hindsight. I wish I hadn't voted for him. The board is still as pissweak as it ever was, just with a nutjob thrown in.

The stuff he's posting on 'X' re 'free speech' - I don't get it? Why do people think we need to be like the USA, 'free speech' - the last time I looked I don't seem to have any issues discussing anything anywhere? What are al these crazies on about.

It's like they are on personal crusades because they either don't work and have plenty of time on their hands or want to 'out' all the conspiracy theories that exist.

Isn't 'X' the beacon of free speech, and where is that getting society....
We are stupidly over regulated here. There is a bit of a Police state/Big Brother scenario happening. Whilst Im not one to takle the words of UFC Fighters seriously I did like this quote from Sean Strickland yesterday.

“You guys have got a lot of cameras here – red light cameras, cell phone cameras, seatbelt cameras, speed cameras,” Strickland said.

“How do you get a blowjob while you drive? Do you get a ticket for that, is there that kind of camera?"

I think people are starting to get a bit jacked of these things. Whilst the Yanks do go on about their "Freedom" a lot, and whilst I believe their Gun Laws to be batshit crazy and their clinging to the Constitution stuff over the top, they are willing to fight against an over reaching Government, something here which we've kind of just let happen with little fuss. Those of you that work in Public Sector jobs think this is fine and dandy, relying on the state to tell you what to do, when and how. I for one think its dangerous. Whilst Waz is no rocket scientist, and will probably get in a little over his head on this podcast thing, I admire his conviction.
Mistake in hindsight. I wish I hadn't voted for him. The board is still as pissweak as it ever was, just with a nutjob thrown in.

Would you have preferred Abernethy knowing he was nothing more than a puppet and a yes man acquiescing to everything Richo, Cos etc want?
The stuff he's posting on 'X' re 'free speech' - I don't get it? Why do people think we need to be like the USA, 'free speech' - the last time I looked I don't seem to have any issues discussing anything anywhere? What are al these crazies on about.

It's like they are on personal crusades because they either don't work and have plenty of time on their hands or want to 'out' all the conspiracy theories that exist.

Isn't 'X' the beacon of free speech, and where is that getting society....

The 'free speech' thing is a term too often used for simplistic politically motivated reasons.

You're right, X and other social media platforms provide a relatively unregulated platform for the expression and broadcast of ideas - even those parading as facts without any evidence. But even since the takeover by Musk - there are still limitations on that platform when it comes to extremist ideas. No such limitations apply on many other forms of unregulated media.

By way of example, Sam Newman recently hosted on his podcast 2 prominent neo-nazis, Blair Cottrell and Thomas Sewell:


In his defence, Newman has used the 'free speech' argument - saying that his podcast was not providing a platform to promote the views of those extremists but for their views to be laid out and examined so that people have a chance to form their own views.

Coincidentally, almost ironically, the X platform terminated the accounts of Cottrell and Sewell once their neo-nazi views expressed on the Newman podcast were made public.

Let's be clear here - Tredrea is no where near the ideological idiot Newman is and I'm pretty certain he would not entertain for a second the idea of hosting neo-nazis in the interests of 'free speech' or other guests propagating hate speech or intentionally dangerous advice on health or other matters.

But imho it does highlight that fine line between a podcast hosted by someone with a high media profile promoting the discussion and examination of outside the square ideas/thinking that are missed by other media outlets; and the next step of serving as a potential platform for the broadcast of unchecked/unquestioned opinion as fact without any evidence to support the claims being made or claims that are extremist with malicious intent.

But that's a judgement call that is made by the podcast host. And politicians seem to get away with doing that every election campaign.
Would you have preferred Abernethy knowing he was nothing more than a puppet and a yes man acquiescing to everything Richo, Cos etc want?
Where is the evidence that that Treadrea is doing anything different? Where is the communication with the unprecedented thousands of members who voted for him in the most hotly contested PAFC board election ever to outline what actions and perspectives he is taking up on their behalf?

I get that your a friend of Tredrea and have inside running on some of the happenings inside the Board room.

But for those of us not similarly privileged, there is no indication - none - that anything has changed at all with Tredrea's election. That may not be true, but how are we to know? He can easily do this without breaking Board confidentiality rules - members of private and statutory boards communicate with their constituents all the time.

And in the absence of that communication is it any wonder that the focus is on his social media activities outside the club?

And that is on Tredrea himself in my view. And he and you can't escape that by pointing the finger at other member appointed Board members who are/were also mute in their communication with the people who elected them.
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Would you have preferred Abernethy knowing he was nothing more than a puppet and a yes man acquiescing to everything Richo, Cos etc want?
I don't think yesterday's news would have been substantially different if Bruce Abernethy had been on the board rather than Tredrea.

Tredrea certainly isn't the problem when it comes to Hinkley, but after a year and after yesterday's news it's abundantly clear that he hasn't been the solution I was hoping for either. So if his board appointment isn't resulting in us getting rid of Hinkley any quicker, then given all his other baggage, I'd rather he wasn't on the board.

So yes, with the information currently available to me, I would rather have had Bruce Abernethy. If a succession plan with a set end date in 2025 is announced before Round 1 I may reconsider that view, but you know better than anyone that now seems very unlikely.
Still baffles me people expected one board member to bash the house down in 12 months.

I might have thoughts on all his political views but one person can't wander into the board and make sweeping changes, that was never going to happen, seems like Kenny might be on the way out regardless! Lets face it, his time is surely up.....
Where is the evidence that that Treadrea is doing anything different? Where is the communication with the unprecedented thousands of members who voted for him in the most hotly contested PAFC board election ever to outline what actions and perspectives he is taking up on their behalf?

I get that your a friend of Tredrea and have inside running on some of the happenings inside the Board room.

But for those of us not similarly privileged, there is no indication - none - that anything has changed at all with Tredrea's election. That may not be true, but how are we to know? He can easily do this without breaking Board confidentiality rules - members of private and statutory boards communicate with their constituents all the time.

And in the absence of that communication is it any wonder that the focus is on his social media activities outside the club?

And that is on Tredrea himself in my view. And he and you can't escape that by pointing the finger at other member appointed Board members who are/were also mute in their communication with the people who elected them.

You have drawn a long bow with some assumptions there.

I admire his conviction to follow through and act on his beliefs irrespective of whether or not I actually agree with them.

I agree with you that communication with the members by member elected directors has been poor and I hope that this is a focus for both Tredrea and Fiacchi this calendar year.

I don't think yesterday's news would have been substantially different if Bruce Abernethy had been on the board rather than Tredrea.

Tredrea certainly isn't the problem when it comes to Hinkley, but after a year and after yesterday's news it's abundantly clear that he hasn't been the solution I was hoping for either. So if his board appointment isn't resulting in us getting rid of Hinkley any quicker, then given all his other baggage, I'd rather he wasn't on the board.

So yes, with the information currently available to me, I would rather have had Bruce Abernethy. If a succession plan with a set end date in 2025 is announced before Round 1 I may reconsider that view, but you know better than anyone that now seems very unlikely.

I think there's a reasonable chance Hinkley would be getting a further extension if Tredrea wasn't on the Board and they had continued to cocoon themselves in their own echo chamber.

Still baffles me people expected one board member to bash the house down in 12 months.

I don't think there are enough people who can appreciate the political gamesmanship that goes on. It gets in the way of the betterment of most clubs. Port are no different in this respect.
Yea I'd say if you don't think Tredrea has had something to do with trying to get these sleeping idiots to do at least something regarding Hinkley you are painting your own picture.
Problem is they haven't done anything. We have the same amount of Hinkleys as we've ever had, but with one more cooker nutjob.

He probably is trying. But he's failing. If just trying was good enough then let's give Ken another extension because he's trying to win a flag.
Problem is they haven't done anything. We have the same amount of Hinkleys as we've ever had, but with one more cooker nutjob.

He probably is trying. But he's failing. If just trying was good enough then let's give Ken another extension because he's trying to win a flag.
I think it's pretty clear the Josh Carr thing is happening and look it's a weak outcome in terms of not looking outside the bubble, but short of Warren walking into a board meeting with an Uzi I'm not sure what else you expected from one board member.
I might have thoughts on all his political views but one person can't wander into the board and make sweeping changes, that was never going to happen, seems like Kenny might be on the way out regardless! Lets face it, his time is surely up.....
I voted for him. The vibe was that we knew he couldn’t just waltz in there and a week later Hinkley would be gone. I don’t think anyone is unaware of this reality.

The thing is, we all knew a little bit about his character. His issues with 9 etc. As someone who is fully vaxxed, at the time I felt that he was wrong but also being treated unfairly.

I think we should expect certain fundamental principles for behaviour of our board members. They shouldn’t court controversy or do anything that will bring negative attention to our club.

Since becoming a board member his latest podcast announcement is that he wants to be Australia’s answer to Joe Rogan (alternative title Joe Bogan). He wants to have “brave conversations” in the form of pissing in the fountain of knowledge in a way he knows will have some amount of support from a dysfunctional part of our population. There’s probably money involved too.

So we have:
  • Ken Hinkley; and
  • conduct unbecoming from Tredrea in public and a bit more stink emanating from Alberton

If we had voted Abernathy in we would only have one of these two bad things.

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Opinion Warren Tredrea - Court Case and Politics
