NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 4

Here is PART 3

Donald Trump was sworn in as president of the United States on Monday 20th January, 2025 in Washington DC.

Take Note

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Play nice, please.
They are all involed in conflicts of interest. Its your lot who are pretending that Obama appointed judges have no conflicts of interest...

Every judge who rules against Trump has a conflict of interest
Or is a deep state plant
Or is a activist judge

There has not been a single impartial judge or justified ruling on the facts and merits of the case against him. Ever :tearsofjoy:
Musk isn't a federal judge so what is his relevance to the case.


If you haven't noticed the entire US system of law and governance is one big conflict of interest. Federal judges are appointed along party lines, contracts are given to mates, relatives, donors etc sometimes for things that don't exist, there are trillions of dollars that can't be traced or accounted for (not necessarily stolen). There are billion dollar businesses being run out of post boxes. There are hidden files and cover ups of murder, pedophilia, topics that can't be named on this forum, that will never be released to the public or acted upon. Wars are started based on lies, for the benefit of those mates, relatives, donors etc. People are being pardoned just in case they get caught for something they did or didn't do. People on politicians wages are walking away as multi millionaires. The list is endless and all this has been going on for years.

But lets all cry democracy is dead and conflict of interest.
A. doesn't exist and
B. is the entire system

Australia is slightly less than the US but not by much.

End rant.
You first reasonable post in a long, long time. More of this please :thumbsu:

Its just the apathy about the biggest example of it that I don't understand. The Trump/Elon admin has taken what you've described above and strapped a supercharger powered by jet fuel onto it. Legit Russian oligarchy stuff which, while it was still bad, wasn't the situation in the US before.
The complete opposite is true. You're thinking of religion, which also a strong indicator of voting intentions.

Universities encourage thinking, and evidence based positions. Blind obedience to a leader is far easier with an uneducated mass.

Even if you exclude university education, states with the poorest outcomes swing red.
You mean like having to deliver an sincere acknowledgement of country with passion and feeling, in order to pass a law course?
TBF, most of those being defunded, are indoctrinating kids rather than educating them.

Unis used to be places to prepare the best and brightest to make an impact as to what the world needs, now its run by ideologies that halt any critical thinking.

Imagine coming to this conclusion simply because educational institutions teach that history and black people exist :tearsofjoy:
Nope, over the last score, Unis have shown that they are just as bad as religion.

Explain then how places that are left-leaning and are much more secular and "encourages" critical thinking, look like dumps? You know like NY or LA.
Might wanna check out how places like Louisiana and Mississippi are going mate, 3rd world shitholes in parts. There are pockets of dumpster fires everywhere in the US.

But sure, its coz uni's exist and woke ideology :tearsofjoy:
You mean like having to deliver an sincere acknowledgement of country with passion and feeling, in order to pass a law course?
I've never been involved in a welcome to country at uni in two seperate stints.

I have no idea what you're talking about. When was your last university experience?
It's ok, Trump has a "fairly clear policy" to replace it with something else.

Right GoEaglesGoSGIO? :tearsofjoy:
Sure. Just like that ACA replacement last time....

How can people still get sucked in so easily by a known conman?
It's fascinating to watch.
As you were then. My reading of this was about a judge with a COI. The person you mentioned has no relevance to that judge or ruling in any way whatsoever.
It’s not relevant in terms of Musk not being a judge sure. It’s relevant when there is inconsistency in calling out one person but allowing it for the other.
Lefties don’t even know what they are complaining about anymore.

The other day we had one of them sook it up about convicts not being allowed to do u turns in planes, and another bloke whinged about Ayn Rand something something.


I miss the days when lefties were ranting Adolf Hitler jumped into a time machine and dyed his moustache orange, and dire dictator on day one warnings.
Now the education department is being defunded.
After the attacks on university funding.

That helps the republicans as the uneducated and ignorant make up the base of the modern iteration of the party.

Straight from the fascist playbook.

We're you saying that about all the uneducated blacks who slavishly support the Democrats?

Or the uneducated immigrants the Democrats supporters love so much?
Lefties don’t even know what they are complaining about anymore.

The other day we had one of them sook it up about convicts not being allowed to do u turns in planes, and another bloke whinged about Ayn Rand something something.

Bit limp wristed.

I miss the days when lefties were ranting Adolf Hitler jumped into a time machine and dyed his moustache orange, and dire dictator on day one warnings.

BF lefties need to get their unhinged derangement mojo back imho.

Edit: I just wandered onto the trump srp thread. Dear oh dear. I take back all of the above. We are at peak lunacy. As you were lads.

Look mate I'm happy you're back out from under the bed and all, but maybe get FireKrakouer in here to bounce off. Seems to work a bit better :tearsofjoy:

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NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 4

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