Swamp Guineas Mar 16, 2017 Was there any spots left in Div 22? Will be keen to join if there are. Cheers
Krujan May 17, 2013 Your avatar reminds me of this photoshop I did a few years ago. http://footylulz.b1.jcink.com/uploads/footylulz//post-7-1279409472.jpg
Your avatar reminds me of this photoshop I did a few years ago. http://footylulz.b1.jcink.com/uploads/footylulz//post-7-1279409472.jpg
toxic Dec 3, 2012 Welcome bud -only 1600 odd posts behind! - nice avatar, not quite as handy as mine but as good first up effort
Welcome bud -only 1600 odd posts behind! - nice avatar, not quite as handy as mine but as good first up effort