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  • please show me where it says Platinum BF members are limited to 4 lines per signature and I'll oblige
    Thanks for your input on the mod board thread. Nicely worded. Just been engulfed in a tsunami of work crap the last week. Back on board now.
    Hi Caesar.

    I was wondering whether it would be worthwhile to have a Stickied "By-Elections" thread on the AusPolitics forum, as a sort of general thread for discussion of all state and federal by-elections? By-elections can be interesting but it probably isn't worth having a new thread on every individual one.
    Hey, sorry. I only just noticed this post.

    Sounds like a good idea. If you want to start one next time there is a by-election you're interested, tag me and I will sticky it.
    Hi Caesar, you carded me for one day and sent me a link as to the post that got me the card, but the link didn't work, it just said "error". I assume this is because you deleted the post. Can you please send me a PM of the post so that I know which one it was?
    Hello there, seems to be consternation about a cricket thread I created regarding Mickey Arthur,

    Could you pls change it too Mickey Arthur - Time to Go, please.

    Appreciated, Ian.
    Hey, I was recently red-carded, now the cards worn off. The server seems to struggle to access the website, what's my options to resolve this issue.
    Any problems you're having accessing the site won't be related to your card. Try clearing cookies and/or logging in with a different browser.
    That's the thing I seem to be able to navigate freely until I login.
    Can't explain it, sorry.
    Caesar, how do i have my account deleted?
    I can do it for you if you want. Or there's a thread in the Suggestions, Feedback & Announcements forum that you can post your request in.
    I posted in there on Feb 1 and obviously am still operational. If you could it would be much appreciated.
    Hi Caesar',
    In my new thread in SRF, I have stupidly misspelt Dame Elisabeth Murdoch's name as 'Elizabeth'. I would appreciate it if you were able to adjust this nominal malfunction.


    Sorry, was on my mobile and didn't get the message. Someone fixed it though.
    Thanks for the cover today. Still shattered by the result.
    No problem. I can imagine. Don't drink and card. :)
    Do you enjoy banging your head against a wall too?
    What can I say, I'm a masochist.
    Better not use big words, I doubt he'd comprehend. Or maybe infer that everyone knows it
    Hi mate, i need a thread deleted of mine off the bay. Another poster Deanus has taken an opportunity to point score and take the thread totally out of context. I don't want people offended, so if it could be removed, that would be appreciated.
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