Mr Gor
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  • Hey, I'm posting this message on everybody involved in the xbox league of AFL Live, go to the AFL Live 2011 BF League thread in the gaming stories section to say if you're in/out.
    Yeah, I saw all but the first round or so, and it was definitely a bit of a snore fest.

    There wasn't much in it, to be honest, but Bradley obviously got the points from the judges due to being the aggressor, whereas Alexander was content to run for most of the night. It kind of reminded me a bit of the Mora-Mosley fight, although not so boring.

    Devon quit late in the fight, maybe the 10th round, after another Bradley headbutt (he was cut above one of eyes early in the fight thanks to a butt, which was always going to happen when you consider Bradley's track record and the fact that it was an orthodox v. southpaw bout). I'm not exactly sure why he quit, but he certainly made a big fuss out of it, so I guess he was either genuinely hurt or he felt he had done enough to win on the scorecards.

    So yeah, a somewhat disappointing fight, and I don't think either would beat Khan.
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