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  • Polac jonas lobbe carlile and monfries dominated last year ya idiot lol anyway beat us first before u have a dig.. Sounds ridiculous.
    Lol mate please. Look at the team I get to watch every week? Don't mention these spud footballers like it means something. None of those guys would get a game for us lol
    Paul Kersey
    Paul Kersey
    Camries playing finals. What's Port's excuse?
    What was your excuse last night we had 5 players from Port Magpies out there and won easily.
    Joined 2008. Were you there when your club was on the verge of relocation, a ****ing joke getting 11k to the MCG ..? Bandwagoner. West coast will smash you tonight.
    28k on a friday night and you're a “big” club lol
    We also beat the dogs by over 7 goals in Adelaide under 2 months ago. A year is a long time in football. You should know after your 2009 capitulation. Bulldogs are having a breakout year like young sides can. Wines, polac, jonas, lobbe, carlile, monfries, white have barely played half a year. We'll be right but thanks for your concern.
    We'll turn up against you lot anyway. We are a young side many years to go in our window mate could not give the slightest shit.We'll turn it around, too many injuries this year. Might be pathetic yet we beat you in a quarter with our 2 best mids outs. Lol . where were you years ago when your club was on the verge of relocation anda disgrace for over a decade bandwagoner campaigner
    A few minor injuries, a slightly tougher fixture and the power crumble. Gameplans been figured out. You went from top 4 to garbage almost overnight. It's sad. I wouldn't be so confident for the future either. Lots of good young teams who look to have a brighter future than Poort. Look at the Dogs! They are younger than you and beat you by 10 goals LOL
    You lost to richmond and will get flogged tonight lol..

    Untill you beat us your talk is cheap.
    Hahaha your season is over!! You guys are pathetic. I genuinely CAN'T WAIT till we play you in a few weeks! What are you gonna do in September mate?
    Paul Kersey
    Paul Kersey
    Bit melty about missing finals?
    Howd that go last night? ****ing bunch of aging flogs. In September ill be watching you walk out in straight sets without that weak dog Hodge.

    We had no backline polac and wines and beat you easily. Ah well.
    It is disgusting that you were banned for pointing out how overrated Joel Selwood is. I will light a candle for you, my friend.
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    It was for saying the Geelong wankfest continues. Dw I'm back now :)
    Have to hand it to you, shepp- 302 likes on that Dustin Martin comment is impressive.
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    Haha cheers mate. It only got that many because it was the first reply though.
    an you believe that Grant Birchall got 32 disposals at 100% efficiency? WOW!
    Obviously. Best running defender in the game. Maybe of all time.
    I completely agree with your thoughts on that horrible South Melbourne/Lesser Eastern Sydney franchise. Can't stand them!
    I like us all to have an animated discussion, thats the point of the bay. I dont see the point in getting pissed of with posters just because they have a difference of opinion. I like to challenge and taunt a little....I know you do too.
    Yeah, exactly. I can understand people blocking posters if they only visit the main board or their teams board. Not on the Bay. I consider it a win that he can't handle my banter.
    bartel magic
    bartel magic
    that goes for all teams for me, I refuse to block. Ill give it, Ill take it!
    mate I dont block em, because I chuckle at them backing them selves into a corner. If we all block them, theyll have the run of the bay, and go unchallenged
    Think you meant to post this on MD's profile?
    bartel magic
    bartel magic
    yeah I did mate
    good luck tomorrow mate, all jokes aside, I hope the hawks give you guys a big win. Love bantering with all the hawks posters
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    Thanks mate - very nervous/excited!!!
    I melted posters into oblivion so the Mods banned me 'again'. Oh well.....I've just found the GD board so we'll see how that pans out. Banned from the fantasy football board aswel.....wowzers!!!

    Been banned from Bay13 for a few months now.
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