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  • Hey mate, you've been gone for ages. Hope all is OK and hope to see you back posting again. Cheers.
    Hi there....Am unable to reply to the Rules on Bay 13 Thread so just thought I'd inform you this way.....Under the Posting Images sub-Heading you have mis-spelt fornicating.....Cheers!
    Stick to your own board in future. We don't want Norf trash like you stinking up ours thanks.
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    Reactions: Bigeasy
    Likewise ;)
    See? This is why nobody ever says nice things about... "North"! :D
    Hi mate. Just thought I would let you know that some people find your avatar offensive. Would be grateful if you would reconsider using that image. Religion denegration is a dangerous area.
    Thanks mate.

    If we cant make threads about other posters-and i have had a week off for doing it-why is jayden and black flag allow to do it?
    I know you've got my IP address, so you can see I havn't been posting on the Bay. Alot seem to be posting like me I must admit. How I know this is I have read every now and again as SS.
    Big Easy
    to say a team was 'r*ped' after a heavy defeat is quite common in the football community.i see what you are saying but what is wrong with using a term most people understand the meaning of?

    sorry mate but I in no way was having a go at North mods, I mentioned that I got an infaction on the main board nothing more.
    It was not north mods that carded me anyway.
    I said the wrong thing fine no problem, all i have done is mention the period of time..

    I am sorry again if you think its personal.

    Regards Roosmad.
    Sorry, I didn't know that word was banned.
    Thanks for no infraction.
    I'm trying to maintain a better recent infraction history than TheBrownDog here.
    Ahhhhhhh - it's because I haven't paid the bill...

    Will fix this up with Chief.

    It's the best deal in town after all.
    Hey Easy, thanks for the link but I cannot access it. What board is it on I didn't think I was banned from any (remarkably :) )
    HA, tell me about it, it's better not to be too overly excited about your teams chances, as they tend to let you down at times. Life is great, saw my favourite band last Saturday night. Great times.
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