Recent content by DroopStDanny

  1. DroopStDanny

    Song Contest Part XVI, Host: ???, Theme:???, Noms Due: ???

    Humble apologies to the good people of the Song Contest, but when the self appointed Commissioner effectively calls me out for cheating, only to confess, renege, and then deflect onto another contestant when proof of his tardiness is provided, then I walk away for a while. Results from the...
  2. DroopStDanny

    Song Contest Part XVI, Host: ???, Theme:???, Noms Due: ???

    Drunk Goliath wins with 29 votes and no Billies. **** you all.
  3. DroopStDanny

    Song Contest Part XVI, Host: ???, Theme:???, Noms Due: ???

    **** off dickhead.
  4. DroopStDanny

    Song Contest Part XVI, Host: ???, Theme:???, Noms Due: ???

    And here comes the sooking. Two days to listen to just over an hour of music and submit votes. If you can't be arsed doing that why bother entering a nom.
  5. DroopStDanny

    Song Contest Part XVI, Host: ???, Theme:???, Noms Due: ???

    Votes due 7pm sharp. No extensions, no exceptions, no excuses. SM ChappyUK por_please_ya the fly roo2macca
  6. DroopStDanny

    Song Contest Part XVI, Host: ???, Theme:???, Noms Due: ???

    Votes due 7pm sharp. No extensions, no exceptions, no excuses. NinjaSwan Noobz0r raskolnikov Back One Out NaturalDisaster
  7. DroopStDanny

    Song Contest Part XVI, Host: ???, Theme:???, Noms Due: ???

    Votes due 7pm sharp. No extensions, no exceptions, no excuses. The Speaker Ulahoopski Marklar_33 Plugger35 William Wonka
  8. DroopStDanny

    Song Contest Part XVI, Host: ???, Theme:???, Noms Due: ???

    For those using the Plugger method of voting, your playlist is: Ivy Stiff Little Fingers Torche Nana Grizol Live Brand New Vampire Weekend Billie Eilish Perfume Genius I Was A King Steve Earl The White Stripes Sierra Ferrell Nancy Sinatra Jericco Cliff Haywood Macross 82-99 Sudan Archives...
  9. DroopStDanny

    Song Contest Part XVI, Host: ???, Theme:???, Noms Due: ???

    Late entry came in whilst I kipped people. It has been added to the playlist. Votes due at a blue collar friendly time of 7:00pm Wednesday.
  10. DroopStDanny

    Song Contest Part XVI, Host: ???, Theme:???, Noms Due: ???

    No drip feed, ain't got time for that shit. #SongContestPlaylist
  11. DroopStDanny

    Song Contest Part XVI, Host: ???, Theme:???, Noms Due: ???

    Nah. Shitful phone reception around work so giving everyone a like as acknowledgement rather than replying.
  12. DroopStDanny

    Song Contest Part XVI, Host: ???, Theme:???, Noms Due: ???

    Stoner friendly.
  13. DroopStDanny

    Song Contest Part XVI, Host: ???, Theme:???, Noms Due: ???

    New theme is brought to you by Nominations must not be any longer than the time it takes to cook up a portion of the above, i.e. three minutes or less. No previously nommed songs please. Link to list is in the first post of this thread. The onus is on you to check. Noms due 8:00pm Monday.