Recent content by Episode IV

  1. E

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    One, the conflict between Israel and Palestine is far more nuanced and complicated than it being an example of "Muslim Terrorism". Two, what your Muslim ESL students are going to tell you with regard to their thoughts on Muslim terrorism is largely irrelevant. Regardless of where they come from...
  2. E

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    We do tend to get a lot of talk about "democracy" on here, along with perceived threats to it. To put it as simply as possible, any disruptive action taken by a minority against majority opinion within the defined borders of a democracy is undemocratic and somewhat narcissistic, and where that...
  3. E

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    That you think I "search for a side of views" says more about you than it does me, Huskii.
  4. E

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    Probably time for one more today. If we're in the business of posting videos now, Have a look at this one. Of particular note in this case is where Mia Shem was held for the majority of her stay in Gaza -in the home of the one who took her. Transferred after a few months to a tunnel, upon which...
  5. E

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    I just found myself looking up the average price of turnips in the USA (about $1, apparently), and how many it would take for Baldrick in today's terms. Assuming one turnip is around half a kilo, That translates to 260,000 turnips. I suppose Baldrick's concerns about pricing himself out of the...
  6. E

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    I think the only thing that has really changed with regard to the state of US(?) politics is that the dirty dealing in the information age is more transparent, and the capability and will to use that information is universally more profound than it has been in the past. Politics has always been...
  7. E

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    Been away for a while, have some serious catching up to do. This one goes back to last month. Just to unpack this a little (I had to do some reading on the ALP's Energy Bill Relief Fund), we're talking here about one of a range of measures introduced (varying by state as you noted) to address...
  8. E

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    Brings me back to the comments made on bikie gangs in Australia above. There is a significant difference in the nature of those gangs from their origins around the late 1960's to what they are now. Part of the original Comancheros charter from the late 60's reads "no hard drugs". I'm not buying...
  9. E

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    One thing I'd disagree with in there is the note you've made regarding the relationship between (relative) wealth or financial capability and the number of children. Statistically, natural population increases decline in populations who are better off, not worse, and in those populations which...
  10. E

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    Yep, and how about we pay more attention to where these things start, Snuff? Does some idiot running around waving Palestinian flags and posting silly little Al-Jazeera videos about Nazis count as provocation? How about the ones who only turn up to pick fights? Those are actually serious...
  11. E

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    Need I remind you again of your entry into this part of the discussion? It was quite civil before you came along. Figured out the role of the rodeo clown yet? When I'm on here, Wahoo, I have all the time in the world. A part of that time, I devote to treating people like you with all the...
  12. E

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    This was your first response in this section, Wahoo. Thing is, when I was growing up, that wouldn't ever have been considered you "asking someone their point of view". That's a statement ( and a red herring at that), followed by a personal judgement. It's not a question. Save your what-who-me...
  13. E

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    Riiiight, so now you're going to pretend to be miffed at the "personal attacks". It's fairly clear what your white knighting antics are all about, Wahoo, so how about you drop the pretence, hmmm? I actually answer most questions put to me, unlike you mob. When you actually come at a...
  14. E

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    There is a difference between a difference of opinion, and simple ignorance. Not every view deserves respect, particularly not those which are more ideologically driven than informed opinion. And why is it, Wahoo, that you even need to be told that? You need to stop hiding behind this...
  15. E

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    Do you think that comment is really worth responding to, wahoo? I think I've made it fairly clear that the nuances of the situation are there, in the side-discussion I've been having with Feeder. Perhaps you missed it. Perhaps you're so eager to have a go you've made the simple mistake of only...