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  • Thankyou congrats on ur jump back up aswell. I'm still not entirely satisfied.

    Two weeks ago before lockout someone on bigfooty convinced me and then i convinced myself that Leon will be a unique captain, as opposed to reiwoldt v melbourne who i had cpt all week until 5 mins before lockout. He pulled 60 and roo 120. So i would be top 20 this week.

    Im also a bit frustrated by the fact that i finally get a cpt choice right in goodes, but then that got undone by ablett's huge score.

    Also grimes 60 odd dt and 100 sc was a bit of a frustration.

    Do u have drummond? That was probably the highlight of the weekend for those non drummond owners. I had a decision between him and o'keefe. I should've taken drummond as i was only playing one rookie in the forward line and would be playing 2 rookies in the backline. But the b/e are what swayed me.

    Do u have ablett yet?
    Hey dude I just posted an uber-long message under the "lessons for 2010" thread, tell me if it helps buddy!
    i am looking to keep both of them. while i doubt that BOTH will play, 1 might (gilbee more likely).
    personally i am keeping them to save trades. cant really afford to trade higgins at this point
    Hi there. I have Gilbee and Higgins. whats your opinion on these guys. I dont think they will play,both under achieved last week and looked to be playing under duress.I am still thinking of trading Higgins to Franklin but Gilbee is a keeper
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