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  • I just want to say that your inhumanity towards a transgendered person was disgusting in that other board. I'm ashamed that another Adelaide Crows fan could have such archaic attitudes. You should be ashamed of yourself. The things ignorance and religion do to people...
    The progressives like yourself are responsible for more deaths then any other group in the history of the world. You couldn't be more ignorant as the ideology of your education evolved from kantism the belief in the human being being a machine/robot and consciousness being the delusion of that machine, an ideology of self-hatred a hatred you project on anyone that isn't of your programming.
    It's further more your belief that one should aid someone with delusions of their life revolving around their gender with a scalpel. You don't so much care about people but ideas that relate to your false god of freedom aiding the lesser god of your faith profit. I have nothing to do with religion that is your assumption. Your ignorance is to that of natural order and mental health.
    "Marfan would be a round about way of indicating pituitary and parathyroid glandular genetic weakness leading to further mutated genetic expressions."
    Wow. You have no idea about the genetics of Marfan Syndrome, do you?
    Go on with your shamanism. Make more assumptions of people for lack of your own understanding bye bye now.
    Naturopath? Homeopath? Herbalist? Kinesiologist? Chiropractor? You're a nut, I just can't put my finger on which sort.
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