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  • Looks like you didn't read my first reply!
    Here it is again:
    If they are blatant lies then why don't you report them? Or sue me for defamation?
    Nope, I just quoted you and then summarised your viewpoints into one easy to read package so that you couldn't hide from the horribly misinformed opinions that you chose to espouse on a public forum.
    I'll summarise again for you: you called the AFL "politically correct arseholes" in a thread that was discussing the AFL's condemnation of racist jokes.
    Cheerio :)
    You said I equated the Irish potato famine to kiwi jokes about sheep. I never did that once, not once. Just because I mentioned them in the same post doesn't mean I think they're the same thing. I said numerous times the potato famine was a shocking event. You're a liar and a fraud mate and people are calling you out for being an ignorant liar in that thread.
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