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  • Yeah i'm pretty good at the moment. With a little bit of luck hopefully it'll all be done with a couple of days to spare. :)
    Good idea, i'll get onto that now. Completely forgot about it tbh.

    Dream Team site is still up (http://dreamteam.afl.com.au/) but I plan to get the captain of each division to post each teams rankings. Should save me alot of work.

    Will let you know if there's anything you can help out with. :thumbsu:
    I know mate, I change the words in Jolldo's post, then did a sneaky edit in yours... It was my poor attempt a humor.
    haha mate its actually wenins romes ... as in my (wenin) romans :)

    would love to square up in a league with you mate and see the romes destroy the ollies ;)
    Hi mate,
    There is no more information on the leagues. DT is not opening until early Feb, so we still have a little time to sort something out. I will get onto something in the next week or so, I will get people moving.
    When you are a paid up member you rarely if ever get the site busy message, but if not you can get it fairly frequently when traffic is high.

    Glad to see my faith in you was justified :thumbsu:
    My team is Kings of Neon. Just missed out on top four but have been scoring quite well for the past 3 weeks. Might meet you next week if I get through the first elimination final.

    Not too fussed about finals though. Want to get as high in overall though I am laggin behind you and a few others at this stage!
    You need to delete your messages as they are full and no one can reply, anyway in response to your last PM, click my Bigfooty in the top left hand corner, 3rd one down says change picture. Just so you know you will have a small picture as opposed to one that is my size because I am a platinum member, not sure how much it costs but I like to support the site cause I get a lot of use out of it, also you get a much much larger inbox, I think its roughly 10 times the size
    My bigfooty and 'your notifications' are basically the central hub of your personal bigfooty stuff so look around there for a while.
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