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  • You survive the raiding party from across the border visiting you? trust you're well. Don't find myself with much time these days...
    Fair enough. As stated I stuck up for Dawson on here for years and was potted for it. With Shoenmakers, I hope he is the player that many fans think he is, I really do. I would never wish ill on any player that wears the brown and gold and do not deny that they guy is doing the best he can. I will also be the first on here to publicly apologise if I am proved wrong (and I hope I am) but right now I just cannot see it. I cannot see what the lad offers that goes beyond what the likes of Thorp, Dowler and Dawson presented before him.
    You have got some nerve calling me a "faceless laptop legend" just beacuse I voice my democratically allowed opinion on a public internet forum. Where does it say on here that I must tow the company line? I put my opinion forward and backed it up with why. Nobody is asking you to agree with it. Your response was rather unnecessary, pretty juvenile and very ironic.:rolleyes:
    you know where to find me.....
    Awesome response in Schoe's thread. It is hard to fathom some of the short sited rubbish that gets posted on this forum, but that's what happens when imbeciles are left unsupervised on the internet.
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