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  • Welcome back to the bay, youve been missed by us since you disapeared during the shit years (09-11). Im glad you guys made another grand final and you chose to return in time for some possible success.

    Are you Tazhawk?
    Geelong Dynasty
    Geelong Dynasty
    You seem to have found more time lately since your boys started playing half decent again?
    Me, Ive got a job that allows me to peruse the net more often than they realise.
    Rest assured it's purely coincidental. I just have periods of work that leave me a bit too stuffed to be bothered concentrating too much after I get home, so just quite happy to read. And I've been pretty much couch-ridden this week after having to undergo a little surgery, so plenty of time to post. And it's always more fun in the lead up to a hawks/cats game.
    Geelong Dynasty
    Geelong Dynasty
    Fair enough mate, I thought you'd gone all fairweather on us, but I misread you.
    Hope your surgery isnt anything serious and your back on your feet quickly.
    Its good to have the old posters kicking around still mate.
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