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  • Brethren

    All of the games mentione have merit, however IMO;

    2001 GF, when Vossy kicked the goal that sealed it and then paraded in front of us with the fist raised, it was at that point that the 30 year void in my football life had been filled and the pent up emotion almost caused me to faint. Typing this now takes me back to the time and it is an image that I hope I never lose.

    For an actaul game 2003 GF is it. Football and domination at its purest form, against the odds and against the Pies it simply cannot be bettered. To sit amongst the opposition and watch them eat their own made it all the more enjoyable particularly when it was over at half time and we were able to sit back and marvel at what a fantastic time and team we had.

    Unlikely to be repeated but at least it is ours to enjoy forever.
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