No Oppo Supporters The TAN 82 - a groupthink soggy salada

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This got scam written all over it.

A guess is that the original was to pull some sweet coin via the medias, then,

God bless their cotton picking souls,

the PC vigilantes opened up a whole new bank of taxpayer funded Compo cheddar!! ka- ching central. What the wonderful cash cow, ol mates have lurch across. Ride that pleasure baby until the dry cleaner is employed to tidy up.

Wish my career could tarnish so bad. So bad that i need the employs of gardener for my slash of Riviera real estate.

If I had to guess from the little attention I've paid, seems like she got busted starkers in the boss' office and then got creative with whatever version of the truth was gonna get her out of it.

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This beer might skyrocket quite high on my favourites list after a couple more...was a random selection as part of my annual 'oooh, haven't tried that' Uncle Dan's roundup, reckon it might become a regular. :thumbsu:

Like a good porter, the malt is firmly background to the hopping and it's infinitely more chuggable as a session beer than a bitter, heavy stout or dark ale.

Screenshot 2023-12-23 at 8.00.59 pm.png
This beer might skyrocket quite high on my favourites list after a couple more...was a random selection as part of my annual 'oooh, haven't tried that' Uncle Dan's roundup, reckon it might become a regular. :thumbsu:

Like a good porter, the malt is firmly background to the hopping and it's infinitely more chuggable as a session beer than a bitter, heavy stout or dark ale.

View attachment 1877488

Wouldn't mind trying that.

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Farrk 27 actors total who were in goodfellas went on to be on Sopranos

None more iconic than chrissy moltisanti playing the stuttering bartender kid joe pesci shoots 🤣
Who was the campaigner who was always on the goon bags. He was the original TV chef. Pommy bloke, dead now.
Getting the red out was Pommy Keith Floyd


Aussie Bernard King (also did some acting and celeb gossip) was always on the whites


Ian Parmenter an English Aussie and alive, dressed like a Frenchman and always had a white in hand.


An early British cooking show had a domineer Fanny Cradock cooking and ordering around while her husband "The Major". A pussy whipped Major progressively got on it. Benny Hill had a crack at Fanny.
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