No Oppo Supporters The TAN 83 - yank politics and brand names with a dash of groupthink

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Just seeing that little twerp Chris Bowen on TV makes my blood boil. How in the hell did that bloke get the climate change and energy minister portfolio is a mystery. Convinced he's a megalomaniac.
For all the bad, crap things out there, there is still some awesome stuff. If your a budding musician, this would be pretty cool.


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For all the bad, crap things out there, there is still some awesome stuff. If your a budding musician, this would be pretty cool.

Tried the first rocksmith and the technology just wasnt there. havent tried the updated version because they want a bloody monthly sub and have a weak playlist. Might give this a crack!
Just seeing that little twerp Chris Bowen on TV makes my blood boil. How in the hell did that bloke get the climate change and energy minister portfolio is a mystery. Convinced he's a megalomaniac.
Because the rest of cabinet make him look like a genius. You wouldn't waste your urine on any of them.
Yeah know what you mean. I been trying to ween off them. Got the valve powered stereo going playing CDs best.
View attachment 1950790

Was supposed to quote scroat

"screens are soulless shyte to stare at"
Lovely amp reviewed on 6Moons website.

I remember seeing this as 6Moons is a proggy website going by the logo.
Hifi for progheads lol.

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Get voting, lads. Take out the Pies and then the Weagles I reckon

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