No Oppo Supporters The TAN 84 - NO yank politics.Brand names with a dash of groupthink

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Probably regular person sized toes, hes just got big feet otherwise 😂
nah think his little toe is munted cos too much skids on the basketball court

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Hell yeah. Big club financially. Not mentally.

Sucks to support the bastards. Reminds me of the Tigers until Benny, when we got serious about winning stuff.
Just message tugga
nah think his little toe is munted cos too much skids on the basketball court
He could probably afford a transplant i reckon
It's like he has been wearing too small shoes for years, his big toe is bent in. Maybe you have to playing basketball.
Nike surely made custom shoes for him

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Make Masculinity Great Again ........................enuff of this cucked out chit.
Normie was a regular customer of mine when I worked in the camera shop at Doncaster shopping town in the late 70s Awsome bloke , he was devastated when his little boy got killed by a stupid driver
Brisbane Premiership player Aaron Shattock fighting for his life , crickets on the lions board useless campaigners
Yep severe chest injuries ! Best wishes to him and his family. Half the latest Bears fans wouldn’t even know of him …….
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Let's start The TAN 85 on new years day. The year has to be precisely 60 less than the TAN number.

It's an ocd thing, a wellness thing, and I'm mentally not prepared to have it any other way.
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