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  1. T

    D2 D2 Section 2009

    Guttertrash Guttercrash Guttercrash, please use some form of intelligence when writing on this forum. What is an organisation to do with a team that cheats? You are saying 'Nothing' which in turn promotes cheating for any organisation within the Ammo. Which is ridiculous. Stop thinking of...
  2. T

    D3 D3 Section 2008

    Nikko...Mate your team is the only team that can stack as your ones missed out.. The person i believe you are talking about is the same as many Ammo players and has work commitments so cant play every game each year, but has been around the club for i think 4 years. Just may not have played you.
  3. T

    D3 D3 Section 2008

    The Turltes home ground is bigger than the uni high ground. I would say its quite a bit bigger and in good nick. Yet due to the abundance of grass freshly treated with natures finest poo it gets a little soggy after a big rain, but still handles the rain relatively well. In regards to...