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  1. the_chad

    Round 1 Discussion (Dedicated to Corona's)

    2066 with McCluggage, Ceglar and Roberton to play. Shame I've only been able to fit in 4 rucks
  2. the_chad

    Teams 2020 Rate My Pre-Season Team

    Haha it does not look right, but hope they persist with big boy chb ploy till midyear and Ceglar will be at f7 soon after
  3. the_chad

    Teams 2020 Rate My Pre-Season Team

    Pretty settled for now, think I've prepared for the number of rookies we'll actually receive, if luko fails will be an easy move to hill or doedee once ready or a missed rookie. Always take a R/F, Ceglar this year, once you bat to F7 can effectively cover all lines bar defense via dpp. Luggage...
  4. the_chad

    Position 2020 Rucks

    To be fair, I didn't have Gawn until round 14 last year and was the top ranked team for most of the year up until round 17. I fell a part afterwards but one player won't make or break it, it's more the collective. If the net gain is higher without Gawn then go for it but it is painfull not...
  5. the_chad

    Position 2020 Forwards

    As mentioned before played predominately forward last year, was probably, and sadly, our best forward till his concussion issues, was going at 100 ppg. Supposedly fit again and I'd say he plays mostly forward, a bit of time in mids particularly with Wines out. Reckon he could go 90 odd so on my...
  6. the_chad

    Leagues Bigfooty League Sign-Ups 2020 - LAST FEW DAYS

    Haha it sure was Thanks mate, same to you
  7. the_chad

    Leagues Bigfooty League Sign-Ups 2020 - LAST FEW DAYS

    Definitely in, screenshot from email
  8. the_chad

    Teams 2020 Rate My Pre-Season Team

    Swap out Whitfield, Houston and Williams for Heeney, Sicily and Laird plus some more expensive rooks placeholders and it is my team. So I'd say near perfect ;)
  9. the_chad

    The Endgame - Round 23 Preview/Discussion

    Cheers for the year all, personally checked out a few weeks back but it was fun while it lasted
  10. the_chad

    The Endgame - Round 23 Preview/Discussion

    So wanted to C Lycett but will stick by Grundles, hope to stay in top 50 :moustache: 392/2+C
  11. the_chad

    Burn team of the year

    *Insert my team since round 16 1st to 40th in 4 weeks :eek:
  12. the_chad

    Rd 20 Preview / Discussion (dedicated to SavDog23)

    196/2 JZ coming on for Lycett helps, hope Answerth covering Rampe can back up last week
  13. the_chad

    Round 19 Discussion (dedicated to gutsroy)

    Nothing short of a Macrae-Bont headclash will be enough :moustache: Cheers all for the messages though, has been a ride
  14. the_chad

    Round 19 Discussion (dedicated to gutsroy)

    Yep was set to take him then Hore, who I was trading him to, scored his 50 odd a month ago and I was 2k short :'(
  15. the_chad

    Round 19 Discussion (dedicated to gutsroy)

    Managed 2401 which is better than recent but the freefall continues, did largely expect this, having none of Macrae, Bont, Oliver or Marshall was the downfall
  16. the_chad

    Round 19 Discussion (dedicated to gutsroy)

    1476/12+C Answerth 98 :moustache: time for Logue to back it up. Not going horribly as I have last 2 weeks so happy with that
  17. the_chad

    Round 19 Discussion (dedicated to gutsroy)

    :moustache: :moustache: go well, my saviours Damn thunderthighs and scapegoat Andrews :oops:
  18. the_chad

    Round 18 Discussion (dedicated to Kadog)

    2256 :eek: An absolute mare and slipped to 10th, fingers crossed my pods can find form again and can stay in the top 10.
  19. the_chad

    Round 18 Discussion (dedicated to Kadog)

    356/4 :rolleyes: Thankfully Zerrett pulled his weight, looked a mare at HT.
  20. the_chad

    Round 17 Discussion (Dedicated to vanders)

    SBS was in full effect :eek::eek: Despite Cogs, honestly really surprised to only drop to 5th and only be 50 odd points behind, haven't had a look but can only assume some unlucky souls trade Kelly to Cogs
  21. the_chad

    Round 17 Discussion (Dedicated to vanders)

    Was the plan but gws being campaigners and holding whit out for longer than expected messed it up, ROB out could still be on the cards though.
  22. the_chad

    Round 17 Discussion (Dedicated to vanders)

    :oops: :oops: So frustrating with ROB and Heeney stuck on the bench, still might trade out of it but will be a risky move.
  23. the_chad

    Round 17 Trades

    Nup, should have tried to swing it!
  24. the_chad

    Round 17 Trades

    Haha figured I ought to take them up on their offer while still on top, shame I can't read the entire thing yet, damn paywall is hard to get by on the phone :rolleyes:
  25. the_chad

    Round 16 Discussion (Dedicated to Nelso)

    I think that Cogs tweet was from halftime, obviously the great man was fine.
  26. the_chad

    Round 16 Discussion (Dedicated to Nelso)

    Fortunately yes, traded him to Duncan two weeks ago, so barely cause for celebration :drunk: Was a ridiculous week of carnage
  27. the_chad

    Round 16 Discussion (Dedicated to Nelso)

    2409 Surprisingly decent Sunday, may not slide as far as first thought. If 5th traded out Hore, he has had a remarkable week, will surge ahead. Take a few weeks Kelly :moustache:
  28. the_chad

    Round 16 Discussion (Dedicated to Nelso)

    Lol. Assuming Gawn misses and ROB covers: 1886 Ziebell Cogs, Neale, Andrews After Clarke (boak), Zerrett, Duncan and Logue, I'll settle for 150+ from Andrews. Hope some top teams copped a zero or I'll be freefalling fast :drunk:
  29. the_chad

    Round 16 discussion

    Whoops, sorry mate I hadn't even realised, will keep a closer eye it Cheers!
  30. the_chad

    Round 16 discussion

    Thanks mate! Have had to neglect RDT this year, even managed to have Jeremy Cameron as skipper last week :oops: