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  1. O

    EDFL Div 1 Discussion 2024

    Nope, everyone at the club loved him, I could never see why, he has really shown his true colours over the last 18 months, club better off without him
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    EDFL Premier Discussion 2024

    who ever he is, he has one of the toughest jobs in the EDFL getting EK back on track
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    EDFL Div 1 Discussion 2024

    he is a grub, he has destroyed the club from the inside and now will do more damage from afar.
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    EDFL Div 2 discussion 2024

    Senior coaching career should be over now, thats 3 senior gigs and was successful in none of them
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    EDFL Div 2 discussion 2024

    Oh how wrong you are, I will leave it at that. believe what you want
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    EDFL Div 1 Discussion 2024

    I agree they are chasing the wrong blokes if they want to go up and stay up, need to get some of the departures back 1st that are coming into their prime, Ryan, Coletta and Rayner to start with
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    EDFL Div 2 discussion 2024

    Not smart, get him to play a season in div2, be a large part of your team, you win a flag, you go up, he's gone and back down you go, lose lose situation
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    EDFL Div 2 discussion 2024

    Should be chasing youth not old legs, want to be looking at long term growth not short term gain
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    EDFL Premier Discussion 2024

    So the umpiring was normal....
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    EDFL Div 1 Discussion 2024

    Coaching at VFL level next year, wouldnt take on a full time coaching gig
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    EDFL Premier Discussion 2024

    Keilor by 95
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    EDFL Div 1 Discussion 2024

    MP by 37
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    EDFL Div 2 discussion 2024

    they will be mid table, they have lost a few and the ones the are picking up are not that great but will go ok in div 2
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    EDFL Div 2 discussion 2024

    Twice in 2 years, gotta hurt!
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    EDFL Premier Discussion 2024

    I don't think he could do as much damage as Pat, look where he has now left them.
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    EDFL Div 1 Discussion 2024

    Josh cant stand the bloke, but for that amount of $$$ you would put that aside for a season
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    EDFL Div 2 discussion 2024

    Perhaps St Albans don't want to give the EDFL any more money after they gave them the fine money last year ;);) and they didn't do with it what they said they were going to do with it On a serious note, the EDFL were going to put that fine money (a substantial amount) to charity, why are we...
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    EDFL Div 2 discussion 2024

    West 27
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    EDFL Div 1 Discussion 2024

    He is a club killer, he couldnt coach to save himself
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    EDFL Div 1 Discussion 2024

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    EDFL Premier Discussion 2024

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    EDFL Div 1 Discussion 2024

    WC 47 StA 63
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    EDFL Premier Discussion 2024

    0-18 in 2025, its going to take a long time to recover, looking for a double drop in 26 & 27
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    EDFL Div 2 discussion 2024

    was fine last week
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    EDFL Div 2 discussion 2024

    TL by 36 NS by 40
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    EDFL Div 2 discussion 2024

    Dont tell Keilor they have good players! future wont be bright for long...:oops:
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    EDFL Div 2 discussion 2024

    they dont take grading games seriously, and then fall to a lower division
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    EDFL Div 1 Discussion 2024

    Tribunal will let off, even if it gets that far!
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    EDFL Div 2 discussion 2024

    saints by 36 CD by 45 Burnside by 30, then lakes to beat them in the real game next week by 30 WM by 25
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    EDFL Div 2 discussion 2024

    very soft if that is the case, you dont make contact with an umpire, let alone in this case you can clearly see its intentional, EDFL tribunal have lost touch, need to protect the remaining umpires we have left. Clearly they are not