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  1. evolved2

    NT Jacinta Nampijinpa Price

    I've stayed at Marina Bay Sands. Costly but no regrets.
  2. evolved2

    Politics Violence against Nazis, acceptable?

    I don't recall doing so. Is that inconsistent with anything I've posted?
  3. evolved2

    Politics Violence against Nazis, acceptable?

    Favouring subjective reality over objective truth is your weakness. No different to the far right.
  4. evolved2

    Politics Violence against Nazis, acceptable?

    You can't be saved. I'm a bisexual man with full-time employment as a scientist, and I'm married to a brown woman immigrant. I tick all your boxes and I still think you're a prick.
  5. evolved2

    Politics Violence against Nazis, acceptable?

    I'll barrack for CM86
  6. evolved2

    NT Jacinta Nampijinpa Price

    I'd love to buy you a beer somewhere in SEA.
  7. evolved2

    NT Jacinta Nampijinpa Price

    Smells like Tullamarine.
  8. evolved2

    Politics Violence against Nazis, acceptable?

    Idealism is the enemy of progress. Negotiate or lose.
  9. evolved2

    Politics Violence against Nazis, acceptable?

    I care about many things. You don't see it because you're a roadblock.
  10. evolved2

    NT Jacinta Nampijinpa Price

    Thedonald was banned years ago, which makes me think your chart is outdated. How did they chart political viewpoints? Non-political subs were banning X links because of Elon. Social media leans left, and it amuses me that you refuse to see it. I had to search back to see what our discussion...
  11. evolved2

    Politics Violence against Nazis, acceptable?

    Given the propensity for progressives to label opposing viewpoints as nazism, it's wise to refrain from violence for your own welfare. I don't see any of you dumbasses as a physical threat to actual nazis anyway.
  12. evolved2

    NT Jacinta Nampijinpa Price

    I can count the opposition on one hand - centrist, circlejerkaustralia, conservative. Feel free to add to the list. You think that way because they only accept your political viewpoint. i feel that examples aren't beneficial to your or my point of view. Yes. Do you consider me to be a centrist?
  13. evolved2

    Christians are easily startled, but they'll soon be back. And in greater numbers 36:11

    True story. The sexual energy of women is incredible. No wonder religion tries to stifle and control it.
  14. evolved2

    NT Jacinta Nampijinpa Price

    Of the political subs, 95% are far left. Of those that aren't political in nature, very few accept right-leaning viewpoints. Your side of politics loves censorship. Twitter under Elon is better in that respect. I'd say the Greens toe the line there. If they aren't left enough, you're probably...
  15. evolved2

    Politics Fascist takeover US 2025.

    Please provide a citation.
  16. evolved2

    NT Jacinta Nampijinpa Price

    Yeah, 1/100. Reddit and X are close. The SRP is slightly better, yet full of idealists just the same. It's not worth my time. Do you socialise with people who aren't far left?
  17. evolved2

    NT Jacinta Nampijinpa Price

    Do you honestly think the SRP and reddit are a fair representation of the wider public? Twatter is just the other side of things - a voice for extremists from the right. What would you accept as evidence?
  18. evolved2

    NT Jacinta Nampijinpa Price

    If you say so. Who doesn't? Murdoch media control is one of the main complaints here. Social media sways far left, does it not? You (the SRP, not just you) view each issue through the prism of skin color, sex, gender identity...there always has to be a victim to protect. It's nauseating.
  19. evolved2

    Christians are easily startled, but they'll soon be back. And in greater numbers 36:11

    It happened at a Christian conference I attended in the US. Jesse Deplantis made an altar call for pr0n addicts and several men walked down. He then said god told him that there were women pr0n addicts in the crowd... I reckon it was 2/3 men and 1/3 women that walked down to be saved from their...
  20. evolved2

    NT Jacinta Nampijinpa Price

    The SRP seems to lean towards the idea of a hierarchy of victimhood. My understanding of that model is that nobody should say anything bad against a member of a marginalized group unless they are speaking wrong against a misfit - a successful Aboriginal for example. I find the idea of punching...
  21. evolved2

    Society/Culture Woke. Can you tell real from parody? - Part 2 -

    I doubt you understand the average Australian at all. Sex-based rights (including gay marriage) and opposition to religious nonsense were hard-fought wins. The left made themselves the opposition of the average Australian through their actions.
  22. evolved2

    Fatima Payman - Australia's Voice Party Whataboutism at it's finest. I suspect her political career will be short.
  23. evolved2

    Christians are easily startled, but they'll soon be back. And in greater numbers 36:11

    You'd be surprised how many Christian women are pr0n addicts.
  24. evolved2

    Christians are easily startled, but they'll soon be back. And in greater numbers 36:11

    We should differentiate between belief and knowledge. A mechanic is defined by knowledge and skill while a Christian is defined by their belief. A Christian can be knowledgeable about their faith, though it's certainly not a prerequisite. Equally so, an atheist can be knowledgeable about...
  25. evolved2

    NT Jacinta Nampijinpa Price

    You should know as someone who plays it well.
  26. evolved2

    Public vs Private School funding

    Jesus. You're a real people person.
  27. evolved2

    NT Jacinta Nampijinpa Price

    I already told you how they do it - they play the victim.
  28. evolved2

    Christians are easily startled, but they'll soon be back. And in greater numbers 36:11

    Why would death be comforting to me or any other atheist? You have an afterlife to fantasise over. As for me, I presume my memories of Thai women in Bangkok will be my last positive memories of a happy ending.
  29. evolved2

    Public vs Private School funding

    So outta touch, mate. Typical of Carlton supporters!