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  1. S

    Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 3 * Coroner's Hearings Concluded

    another person who was a friend of TJ and PB was Bill Spedding. - do we know this for sure ? I don’t recall
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    Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 3 * Coroner's Hearings Concluded

    This is just purely coming from memory, which quite possibly could be way off ! Trying to keep up with, and make sense of, the ever changing narratives is enough to scramble even the best of brains imo 🧐 Anyway - I seem to recall FM saying something about having her shower around 7am, during...
  3. S

    Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 3 * Coroner's Hearings Concluded

    Thanks Stormbird. From this, it appears that at least some of #48 has boundary fencing.
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    Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 3 * Coroner's Hearings Concluded

    Oh wow, 3 - 7 days would leave so much time to play. Now I think about it, didn’t they originally only have the younger photos of William ? Why would that be if Wendy Hudson was aware of the up to date photos taken that very morning ? Maybe she wasn’t told / shown the camera at that early...
  5. S

    Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 3 * Coroner's Hearings Concluded

    I wonder about ‘burying’. If William was taken off and left somewhere, perhaps he was lain to rest without a burial. imo that would have been a lot easier.
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    Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 3 * Coroner's Hearings Concluded

    I was under the impression that Hudson took the camera early on. When was the camera handed over to Police ?
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    Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 3 * Coroner's Hearings Concluded

    I think FF appeared very nervous - stammering, um arh etc. I think he meant to say Lakewood but it appeared to me that his brain was scrambled and he couldn’t think straight. I don’t know if he’s always like that, or just when under pressure. His walkthrough dialogue seemed quite ‘strange’ to...
  8. S

    Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 3 * Coroner's Hearings Concluded

    Perhaps he didn’t have to go all the way to #48. Perhaps there was a pickup point.
  9. S

    Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 3 * Coroner's Hearings Concluded

    This has nothing to do with William & whether the FPs have any involvement in his disappearance. IMO this was a clear case of child abuse on an emotional, verbal and physical level. People were horrified at the way that young girl was spoken to & treated. Add to that, the child told a teacher...
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    Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 3 * Coroner's Hearings Concluded

    Who took the others ??
  11. S

    Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 3 * Coroner's Hearings Concluded

    Please bear with this message intended for both you ARB, and for 31550. I really enjoy reading your Posts and I applaud you both for your intel & your discoveries. There’s no doubt that you’re very clever people, and your sleuthing capabilities should be recognised. Have you put your...
  12. S

    Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 3 * Coroner's Hearings Concluded

    I have wondered if FM first realisation of William’s ‘quietness’ etc, was when she received that text from FF. If that’s the case, he could have been missing for 45 mins ( jumped off patio after the photo session & went roaring off - FM got a cup of tea & enjoyed the solitude ) As much as I...
  13. S

    Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 3 * Coroner's Hearings Concluded

    I know there’s a receipt from Lakewood Chemist but I have wondered if FF was verified by CCTV as being the one who collected it; similarly was he verified as being at that location for his online meeting ? Having said that, I try not to lump every reaction into the one basket. .. as much as it...
  14. S

    Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 3 * Coroner's Hearings Concluded

    Absolutely- for me it’s the ever changing narrative, coupled with the absence of fact, that renders this almost impossible to accurately navigate. Is that just a coincidence or is it strategy ?
  15. S

    Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 3 * Coroner's Hearings Concluded

    Some people can be extraordinarily resourceful so I don’t say it’s impossible, but I very much doubt he’s alive 🙏
  16. S

    Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 3 * Coroner's Hearings Concluded

    Sorry passball, but I don’t go along with the fact that ‘they must have been sure to write it there’. To be sure, there must be supporting evidence imo. My reasons: Initially Police thought he’d wandered off somewhere, with FM running up & down the road to neighbours, & bus stops, while...
  17. S

    Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 3 * Coroner's Hearings Concluded

    I think anything is possible until proven otherwise.
  18. S

    Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 3 * Coroner's Hearings Concluded

    I think the answer to your question underpins the failures in this investigation. IMO it’s down to small town mentality where people are well known / know well . I grew up in one. FGM & her hubby I understand were active contributors to the Kendall community and were involved in various...
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    Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 3 * Coroner's Hearings Concluded

    Just some of the things whirling around in my head (please correct me if I’m misguided): On the 000 call FM said ‘we’ve been looking for him for 15 - 20 mins’. … which would acquaint to him missing from about 10.30 am. From recollection in the 60 mins interview the Police Alert stated that...
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    Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 3 * Coroner's Hearings Concluded

    Could the vehicle that Crabbes heard be the green car driven by the red-neck that FM said eyeballed her after reversing & turning around in a driveway on Benaroon ? Sure, the Times don’t align, but I don’t have faith in any times after all the discrepancies in this very sad case. Block of...
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    Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 3 * Coroner's Hearings Concluded

    I understand your comments and on the face of it, I agree. Having said that, I do see reasons for keeping seriously incrimating evidence close I’m also frustrated by the latest inquest sitting, not least because to me it appeared to be a complete waste of time and of ( our taxpayer)...
  22. S

    Samantha Murphy Ballarat * Patrick Orren Stephenson Charged With Murder

    I believe it was SM’s uncle who said a lot of towers were down and everything was going through 1 tower. … which would make location analysis difficult. However they apparently have this whiz bang phone data guy tight on it, so his presentation will be interesting.
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    Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 3 * Coroner's Hearings Concluded

    100% correct - that awful scenario has not been alleged. And certainly I agree that a missing child conjures various possibilities. did he wander, did he get lost, did he fall in the dam, did he fall down a mine shaft, was he abducted, did he meet with foul play etc. And I’m with you as...
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    Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 3 * Coroner's Hearings Concluded

    I wonder if the question might be ‘where was FF between 8.00 am and when he was clocked on the tennis court CCTV some 50 mins or so later. If I recall correctly, FGM said she was up for breakfast around 8am and he had already left. .. noting that ‘around 8 am’ may actually become closer to...
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    Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 3 * Coroner's Hearings Concluded

    How many sisters does FM have ? I thought it was her sister that FM drove to the airport to pick-up amidst all the turmoil of William being missing. And I thought it was this sister who then took FGM to a hotel / whatever, away from #48 … . whether that was at the request of FGM of others, who...
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    Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 3 * Coroner's Hearings Concluded

    I’m on a late catch-up so apologies to everyone who comes across my 2 bobs worth, long after it’s been done & dusted 🫤 I agree with your sentiments LRitz, except that I think at 9am FGM was washing up, while others were outside on the patio - from my recollection of what FGM said in her...
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    Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 3 * Coroner's Hearings Concluded

    I’m just trying to understand the perceived reason for the vehicle swap. Is it a thought that FM actually used FF 4WD for the suggested ‘body transfer’ to places unknown ? I guess that would widen the possibilities of the end location * So car swap happens b4 the iconic photo taking...
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    Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 3 * Coroner's Hearings Concluded

    I think it’s quite possible that FGM had no idea that FM had made the call to Spedding - after all she had explained to FM that things take time etc, and that Spedding was waiting on parts. It was FM who was angry / frustrated (whatever adjective you choose) about the WM not working & I can...
  29. S

    Samantha Murphy Ballarat * Patrick Orren Stephenson Charged With Murder

    He was charged with Murder & at the time of that charge Police were adamant that POS had deliberately conducted activity that he knew would / had the potential to cause Samantha’s death ( that’s a Murder charge) and they announced publicly that they had all the evidence necessary to substantiate...
  30. S

    Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 3 * Coroner's Hearings Concluded

    Oh ok, I wouldn’t have a clue of their circumstances tbh. I did find it interesting that FM was asked if she had access to any other vehicle - possibly to do with the fact that no one saw FGM vehicle on the road in the estimated timeframe of the FM drive. However I don’t put too much weight...