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    Player Watch Liam Fawcett

    Don't Fawcett, the word will come to you.
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    Domestic violence

    Lawdy. Oh well, guess I'm being reported. Maybe you can ask the mods to give me a beating and then not talk to me.
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    Domestic violence

    Did you not think about your post? You said that if "mates" discovered you were treating your wife and child in a particular way, they would subject you to a beating. How else should that be interpreted, aside from you expressing a belief that such a beating is an societally accepted...
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    Domestic violence

    Interesting that in Carringbush's response, a violent action is referenced as a likely and acceptable consequence. I don't think it's just teenagers we need to educate about violence being an accepted part of life.
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    2022 Victorian State Election-November 26

    They've made a mistake, that's a photo of Scott Morrison's ministerial department.
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    Society/Culture Feminism - Pt III

    Was anything organised? There's always plenty of men clamouring "when's mens day?", but when it rolls around nothing much happens. Slutwalk was yesterday though.
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    Society/Culture Zorko made a footballer cry.

    Anyway, I think it's simplistic to say "oh he's a footballer...mental fragility...etc". Without knowing what was said, or what has been happening for Harrison, sometimes people say shit things to each other and not everyone can easily dismiss these as "sticks and stones". Crying is, therefore...
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    Sympathy view. But really, it's you, it's a BREATHLESS thread TITLE and it's not even 7am. What do you expect?
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    2022 Federal Election - How will you vote?

    Wow, I didn't look at any of the HTV cards. Says it all if the Labor candidate thinks non-event-Broadbent is better than the rest of those idiots. And I'm guessing they'll preference Broadbent pretty high, so he'll retain on the back of them. Come on Monash, prove us wrong.
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    2022 Federal Election - How will you vote?

    Voted tonight. Did my bit to get rid of the big pile of mediocre that is Russell Broadbent, the man who cares so deeply about his electorate that he lives elsewhere and when covid hit, he couldn't travel here. The man who decries vaccine mandates even though it was a barrier to him coming to...
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    What is the worst game you have ever watched?

    2006. I was there, taking a mate from the US to their first ever game. And yep, it was keepings off for a majority of the game, particularly in the second/third quarters. But Adelaide refused to man up, and forgot they were behind so we were allowed to keep doing it. Only in the last quarter...
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    Society/Culture Feminism - Pt III

    Cracking perspective there. "Anyone who disagrees with me is crazy". I heard "crazy" from men a lot working in DV. "My ex is crazy", "she's just crazy". You know what it means? Her behaviour was inconvenient to him. It's an easy way to dismiss someone. Once you believe someone is crazy, you...
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    Society/Culture Hypocrisy of The Left - part 3

    Let's recap. You posted an article you thought was interesting because it supported your view about education. Then you decided that you didn't actually like the article. You could not supply the report the article was based upon, after multiple requests, instead told us to find the report...
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    Society/Culture Hypocrisy of The Left - part 3

    I'm doing some research into critical literacy tonight (yep, on the internet), I came across this image and thought of you. Perhaps you could take some notes for future "discussions". This is the end of ours.
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    Society/Culture Hypocrisy of The Left - part 3

    Right. I'll go and talk to myself about it then. Good discussion, thanks. Really deepened my understanding of your perspective.
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    Society/Culture Hypocrisy of The Left - part 3

    I'm sorry, but you posted that article with no disclaimers about your thoughts on its quality, and then bemoaned how boys are falling behind and how women are getting into STEM. So you'll have to forgive me for assuming that you felt it represented your beliefs. Perhaps you could find an...
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    Society/Culture Hypocrisy of The Left - part 3

    The extent of your discussion was: The rest of your post was about the article, and the first paragraph from it. That's not a discussion. Leaving aside the author, the article references a report but provides no link. I can't find the report on this page: but...
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    Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier? - Part 5

    This is the article that you meant: ' Blunt instrument': Local shock at Latrobe Valley's snap lockdown - ABC News So, you stuffed up by posting a link that didn't work, you didn't check whether it was accurate or not, your...
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    Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier? - Part 5

    Latrobe City isn't in lockdown, that ended on Tuesday night. Your first link doesn't work. And the second article is from last week. Perhaps check your facts.
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    Science/Environment Anti-vacc Crazies at it again. Post appropriate outrage ITT

    And a 0% chance of being killed by a rubber bullet if they all stayed home like they are supposed to.
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    Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier? - Part 5

    Was most definitely the inspiration, never liked horse racing much but the name always stuck in my mind.
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    Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier? - Part 5

    No, this is the appropriate thread to point out your hypocrisy around youth mental health, as you've used it as a means to lambast Dan Andrews. I will let your ignorance of this, and instead your automatic return to again smearing a victim of adolescent trauma, speak for itself.
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    Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier? - Part 5

    Funny you say that, when it seems your concern for the mental health of our children has only emerged when you are able to weaponise it to suit your own agenda. Or have you forgotten that in your other famous thread, you spent countless posts denying the trauma of a certain adolescent's...
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    Vic Who stands with Dan on this?

    Sounds like sloganeering from someone who is desperate to pot Dan whenever they can, however tenuously they can. What would you have done?
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    Vic Who stands with Dan on this?

    It's not Dan's fault people have abused the privilege of the free camps. What did you think was going to happen? This is kinder level stuff, if you can't treat something with respect it'll be taken away from you. You shuold be pointing your judgmental finger at the campers whose actions have...
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    Vic Who stands with Dan on this?

    I've used a few free camps around Victoria. Some of them were ok, tidy, peaceful, as you'd want in a campsite generally away from towns and people. But most of the time, the camps were either packed solid with people, had rubbish all over the place, or were damaged by people camping in...
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    Nat Wars; The Beetrooter Strikes Back (An $80m production)

    One Sweet Jesus semantics award for you. And the article says he was approved to do this, it's not like was hiding the cost. And that it was open to other MPs to seek approval. Methinks your ire needs to be directed elsewhere if you are truly unhappy about this.
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    Nat Wars; The Beetrooter Strikes Back (An $80m production)

    It was $50,000 a year, so hardly thousands of dollars per individual flight given how many trips he probably took. Easy on the hyperbole there. And I'd say he would still probably be doing it (perhaps not as regularly) but covering the cost himself. Yes I like Chester but I'm not defending him...
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    Nat Wars; The Beetrooter Strikes Back (An $80m production)

    Oh absolutely. I'm sad that I'm only a few kms away from being in his electorate (instead of being "represented" by Broadbent). I should have replied to Caeser instead, my bad.
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    The Law Domestic violence, the memorial thread.

    I have no doubt that these are some of the reasons why domestic violence occurs. I also think that to say this is the ONLY reason that domestic violence occurs is pretty simplistic. I would also dispute that society and children make it impossible for people to leave relationships, I'd say...