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  1. ScrappyDo

    List Mgmt. 2024 Trade Thread

    Its very much a players market. In reality we got a long deal on overs when he came so it's reasonable to expect he takes a cut this time around. We'll see. I have a feeling there's more smoke than fire with us and it's mostly media beatup.
  2. ScrappyDo

    VFL 2024 Sandringham Zebras

    I think you mean second round pick.
  3. ScrappyDo

    VFL 2024 Sandringham Zebras

    Yeah, l dunno. I left home at 19 and l wasn't getting $100k+ a year. It's just different for some indigenous kids. We shouldn't lose sleep over it, if he's not happy then let him go and get the best we possibly can EOS.
  4. ScrappyDo

    Autopsy 2024 AFL Season Round 17 vs Sydney Swans

    I hope I'm surprised but, well, you know.
  5. ScrappyDo

    List Mgmt. 2024 Trade Thread

    It was always the case with Doogs that the stupid acts were dragging him down, but we need to beware the Billings scenario because blokes that perform best only in contract years are the ones to weed out. Maybe he's auditioning for suitors. Those at the club will know best and it’s fraught to...
  6. ScrappyDo

    VFL 2024 Sandringham Zebras

    FFS can you stop that rubbish. They backed our culture and took a very talented kid. It worked for Nas but doesn't seem so for Lance. There's always a risk and maybe this one hasn't worked. Maybe it will work out. Maybe his bloody dog died.
  7. ScrappyDo

    VFL 2024 Sandringham Zebras

    Both WA clubs have a suitable pick. Do the deal now and let him go home if he wants, there's no need to prolong the suffering.
  8. ScrappyDo

    Autopsy 2024 AFL Season Round 17 vs Sydney Swans

    He'll get off. Bookmark it.
  9. ScrappyDo

    News 2024 St.Kilda Media Thread

    Wouldn't surprise or bother me if we too Trainor assuming we have 2 top picks. Like you say, getting something in the late 1st range would be desirable and you'd assume they'll be looking to do just that.
  10. ScrappyDo

    VFL 2024 Sandringham Zebras

    IIRC there's a hefty requirement now to train at moorabbin so they'll get a very good look at any potentials. It's only year 1 of the experiment anyways so its baby steps.
  11. ScrappyDo

    List Mgmt. 2024 Trade Thread

    Nothing wrong with playing majority VFL in your 1st year for a skinny kid. He's picked up the speed of AFL and is well on his way. No stress required.
  12. ScrappyDo

    List Mgmt. 2024 Trade Thread

    Wouldn't even pay that for him.
  13. ScrappyDo

    List Mgmt. 2024 Trade Thread

    Sorry, Netters and Pelchen butchered this club. Don't let recency bias obscure your memory.
  14. ScrappyDo

    List Mgmt. 2024 Trade Thread

    We are thinking our FB is very average and our CHB is good but undersized and not damaging offensively. We're thinking that between Hammer, JVE, Ari and Keeler that we can probably do better in a few years.
  15. ScrappyDo

    The Way out? of this mess

    We should have just said no.
  16. ScrappyDo

    The Way out? of this mess

    Thanks Watto. That Dogs game the club came out the week before to temper expectations after l think 3 games in 12 days and 2-3 interstate trips. They could obviously see it in the track and knew it was coming. Somewhere theres a couple off key metrics that shows that teams who have the highest...
  17. ScrappyDo

    Preview 2024 AFL Season, Round 17: St Kilda saints v Sydney Swans, Sunday 7th of July 3:20pm AEST, Marvel Stadium

    So 2 x 1st year players Ari, Wilson 1 x 2nd year. Pou (2 if hammer was fit) 3 x 3rd year players. Nas, Chito, Windy We should get smashed but a 5 point ugly loss will do me fine.
  18. ScrappyDo

    Coach 2024 Coaching

    Not that big a deal imho. The list and contact situation will be mapped out and SOS will stick it out till trade/draft season is over, else he'd have quit already.
  19. ScrappyDo

    List Mgmt. 2024 Trade Thread

    No, l would think it's a habitual issue if it's the case. I'm not saying it's a thing just yet either. But if it becomes the case, it would be easy to fix.
  20. ScrappyDo

    List Mgmt. 2024 Trade Thread

    Hold your horses mate. Steele is hardly even a wisp of a rumour and replacing our cooked vets with a couple that have 2 years left in them is fine if it costs very little. So long as we draft well again there's no problem.
  21. ScrappyDo

    List Mgmt. 2024 Trade Thread

    Interesting psychological experiment gonna happen now till end of season. If our entries drastically improve or forwards suddenly become functional then we're gonna be faced with an uncomfortable reality.
  22. ScrappyDo

    List Mgmt. 2024 Trade Thread

    Realistically there wont be many looking to join so suggestions like Parker are probably closest to the mark. I can also see us taking salary dumps so should make for "interesting" time.
  23. ScrappyDo

    Preview 2024 AFL Season, Round 17: St Kilda saints v Sydney Swans, Sunday 7th of July 3:20pm AEST, Marvel Stadium

    I think he's just having a down year. Over did it in the off-season too. With Max out we might see a bit of last year come out again.
  24. ScrappyDo

    Preview 2024 AFL Season, Round 17: St Kilda saints v Sydney Swans, Sunday 7th of July 3:20pm AEST, Marvel Stadium

    Windhager is king of the kids but Wardlaw is a bit of a freak and we're highly unlikely to get someone like him. Our youth core is highly driven and will self perpetuate if given the right support. Pou requires a slightly different lens, being still very young and a long way from physically...
  25. ScrappyDo

    Discussion The Random Discussion Thread

    Funny that. Most Aussies under 50 these days couldn’t wipe their own arses if they tried so maybe they're on to something we don't know about..
  26. ScrappyDo

    News 2024 St.Kilda Media Thread

    POTY. If we had league average for kicking into the goal post then we'd hve 2-3 more wins. League average accuracy would be another 2-3 wins again. We are not so far off as is being made out.
  27. ScrappyDo

    List Mgmt. 2024 Trade Thread

    You'd want a fair amount than 1 end of first round. Tough **** for Steele, he's contracted on big money so it would want to be a game changing deal for us.
  28. ScrappyDo

    List Mgmt. 2024 Trade Thread

    Yes but not all at once. Pou I'd leave another week till he backs it up.
  29. ScrappyDo

    News 2024 St.Kilda Media Thread

    I just think the rest happens when we can offer a good product. Until that happens it's little value making a fuss about it.
  30. ScrappyDo

    The Way out? of this mess

    Membrey seems cooked, but it's probably mentally. The rest will be ok.