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  1. Simon_Nesbit

    "Next Monday"

    Having a discussion at work, after a customer requested an appointment for "Next Monday", but then complained when we offered the 30th, asking for something sooner. We're split down the middle, half thinking "Next Monday" is "the next Monday" (23rd), the rest believing it's the Monday of the...
  2. Simon_Nesbit

    The Greatest Trick the Devil ever pulled.....

    Do the Media have it reight with the "Geriatric Hawks"? As a Hawk fan I've been annoyed by the almost constant calls for Hawthorn to drop down the ladder, being too old, etc. Something that isn't aligning to my perception of how the team has played, how little we have relied upon our oldest...
  3. Simon_Nesbit

    If our current malaise is getting you down

    PS: If our current woes are getting you down, just complete the below table: 2005 – Hawthorn start season 1-6. 3yr Rebuild. 2008 = Premiership. 2010 – Hawthorn start season 1-6. 3yr Rebuild. 2013-15 = 3-Peat. Clarkson now 3 times better! 2017 –...
  4. Simon_Nesbit

    Strategy Clarkson's List Management Strategy - Exposed!

    Every year we have let a senior assistant move on to a senior position: 2017 Fagan 2016 Bolton 2015 Beveridge 2014 Simpson 2013 Cameron Each has gone on to bigger and better things - with all improving their new club. Obviously this means their replacement at Hawthorn has to fill big shoes...
  5. Simon_Nesbit

    Congrats Eagles

    seriously impressive performance, played us off the park, in the air, at the contest and on the spread. Hope Nic Nat is not serious and back for finals.
  6. Simon_Nesbit

    Tough...or stupid?

    win or lose, I have HATED the way way North have played this game. Constant niggle, cheap shots, off the ball hits, holding, etc - all in a misplaced attempt to 'intimidate' their opponent, who from the most part has simply ignored it. For many years I've wanted umpires to pay ALL of these...
  7. Simon_Nesbit

    The Home of Football's where the Premiership is won. Oh, and also.... Hawthorn leads both the all-time record and best percentage at the MCG. Hawthorn has played 325 games at the venue, for a record of 190-1-134, an overall winning percentage of 58.62% (if you count draws as half-wins). We have gone past...
  8. Simon_Nesbit

    Ascend to the throne

    Congratulations Giants, a dominant dismantling of the triple premiers. Changing of the guard, but a major emphasis on your arrival. I'm truly in awe of the depth of your talent, already comparable to the best we've ever seen, yet still with so much more development to come. I look forward to...
  9. Simon_Nesbit

    Stat Request - Comparable Career Stats

    Hi All, I am looking for a resource, where I can quickly obtain sequenced data (eg by game/by season), backdated as far as I can, potentially encapsulating the entire careers of all current players. I've spent a bit of time searching, but can only find data from individual players, or...
  10. Simon_Nesbit

    Your club on the market - where would they rate?

    A thought project I've been working on for a while, inspired somewhat by the father-son/academy draft points system. ( If you had to place a points value on every player at your club, (noting 3000 is the #1 pick...
  11. Simon_Nesbit

    Hawthorn...OUR Club. Thankyou

    We are the luckiest supporters in the AFL. We do not appreciate our team.....our CLUB anywhere near enough. The most successful club in our lifetime. Not just on-field, but a representative of ourselves we can all be proud of, to get behind and support. To those of you who contribute(d) in any...
  12. Simon_Nesbit

    'Prestige' Car under 40k

    Looking at upgrading to another 'near new' car (2011 onwards) , with a budget of 35-40k. Probably want a 4 door sedan, decent performance, but focused more on the drive/comfort itself. Won't be long miles anymore, so fuel costs aren't as big a consideration, but need something that can be my...
  13. Simon_Nesbit

    Thanks Dad, it's what I really wanted....

    Help me BF, you're my only help.... My son is 7, and all of his mates are into games, to the point that's all most of them do on weekends and after school. Many have 3-4 systems (XBox, Playstation, Wii, DS) and it seems lots of games for each. My son has his own laptop (PC) which he uses for...
  14. Simon_Nesbit

    House-sitting (short-term)

    In attempting to sort out accomodation for myself and my family in/around Melbourne for finals, it was suggested the idea of short-term house-sitting. Has anyone ever done it? Did you pay, or where you paid? How was the experience, and would you do it again? I've house-sat before for...
  15. Simon_Nesbit

    Where to?

    Good evening BF, I need help. (well more than usual) I'm looking at travelling overseas this Dec/Jan, most likely with the family (7 and 2), and I'm not a millionaire. I need a relatively cost effective solution for a 7-10 day break. At this stage we have been looking at various 'family...
  16. Simon_Nesbit

    Cricketing Etiquette

    Inspired by this footage: At what point does etiquette and the "morally right" thing to do change? In the above video, do you think Cook was taking evasive action? There's doubt he actually made his ground from that footage, but clearly he would have if not avoiding the throw. If you...
  17. Simon_Nesbit

    Over-rated or Under-rated - How well do the public know your team?

    One of the best methods for predicting results is based on the cumulative effect of the public's interest, most easily demonstrated in the 'line bets' each week. This provides an interesting insight into how accurate the general public can be, and whether certain teams performances have been...
  18. Simon_Nesbit

    AFL can keep their blockbusters....

    ....and we can still have a "fair" competition. (Stat compilation thanks to "Here It Is") Completely fair, balanced draw (17 x home, 17 x away). If this ladder was used to decide finals and draft picks then suddenly the bias of the FIXture is removed. Simple, straightforward and easy to...
  19. Simon_Nesbit

    A entire season defined in 9 seconds.

    Round 2, as the siren sounds, Osborne takes possession, snapping truly 2 seconds too late. Round 19, with 7 seconds on the clock, Hawkins takes a commanding mark. We are 9 seconds away from being a game and percentage clear on top of the ladder.
  20. Simon_Nesbit

    Irony -

    Franklin's 500th goal comes from a free kick. The player who is more harshly dealt with than any other modern-day player. First goal from a 50m penalty, 500th from a pretty soft holding free.
  21. Simon_Nesbit

    The How do I? thread

    Hope someone can help me out here. I'm sure we all have our own 'quirks' in which we use the site. Personally I have two methods I use every time I browse. I like to view all new posts, opening anything of interest in new windows. Previously had the "new posts" button at the top. How do I...
  22. Simon_Nesbit

    Balanced Draw Rankings - 2012 edition

    Haven't done this for a few years, but stumbled across an excel doc with game results, so a bit of statistical manipulation later, here are the results. Points are based on comparing individual game results (last home and away) with the opponents overall average performance, then adding all...
  23. Simon_Nesbit

    Hawthorn Reserves/Box Hill historical stats commentary thread

    Didn't want to tarnish what is becoming a fantastic thread, this post is to thank Stemline for all his work, I find it very interesting learning about our history, especially the early struggles. Hawthorn Reserves/Box Hill Historical Stats Thread Great stuff Stemline.
  24. Simon_Nesbit

    What's the problem?

    Players or Umpire? Rule maker or decision maker? In your opinion, what the issue? Is it the player gaining an unfair advantage, a poorly worded rule. poor interpretation of the existing rule, or something else?
  25. Simon_Nesbit

    Bolton - How many weeks?

    Came off the line, ran over the ball to put the bump on, hitting a player front-on with his head down with the hardest bump we've seen this year. The player he hit is off with concussion, seconds into the match. Not a troll, genuine question - if the issue is with dangerous conduct, then...
  26. Simon_Nesbit

    **Official Bigfooty Complaint** Ray Chamberlain's Umpiring

    Doing his damndest to ruin a good spectacle (if not game due to the margin). Backchatting players, guessing, incorrect decisions. Pure grandstanding and making himself bigger than the game. I'm sick of it. Reading both boards match threads, it appears so is everyone else. Who's...
  27. Simon_Nesbit


    (one of your posters asked the question on hawks board - the thread closed whilst I was typing my reply. Thought it could provoke some discussion, so added it here instead). You stated it's a serious question, so here's a serious answer. Consider my answers through the lens of my appreciation...
  28. Simon_Nesbit

    Last minute cash grab

    Want libba, but have every other rookie you could want. Going after League only. I should have my opponent pretty well covered (outscored by 600 first two rounds and share most premiums) and two duds in the next two rounds of league, so I've got 6 weeks to make my money and trade back -...
  29. Simon_Nesbit

    First Picked - The BF "Groupthink" DT.

    I did this on another site last year and thought I'd draw upon the greater wisdom of BF (or at least quantity of opinion :D) to create a "groupthink" team. Who are your absolute locks at each position? Not necessarily premium players, but the player that you add first to the line, every time...
  30. Simon_Nesbit

    Best side of the modern era?

    Our favourite stats guy is running a comp on the main board, to work out who BF thinks is the greatest side of the 'modern era' (1987 onwards). The game has reached finals time, so only a few days left. Hawthorn still have some representation in the top-16 (?) with 88 and 89 in a battle today...