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  1. IndoTiger

    For supporters how long is too long to be smug over a premiership victory?

    Lol....Yet your team shit itself on the big stage whilst copping an absolute belting which allowed us to break that drought. Meanwhile 20 years for your club so may I suggest you don't enter a battle of wits when you are unarmed.
  2. IndoTiger


    Yep tried that and still can't get it...just takes me to a telstra page :(
  3. IndoTiger


    Sorry mate I'm in Indonesia & haven't seen a replay yet, I do have a vpn but I need an actual link to type in the search box. The link that gives me which fails to open on chrome here sends me to a telstra page & there is no replay at all. Would appreciate it greatly if you could help thanks in...
  4. IndoTiger

    Autopsy Roast & Toast vs Geelong & changes for PRELIM FINAL

    Brownlow votes are only received in home & away games so it has no bearing in a finals game whatsoever...just saying ;)
  5. IndoTiger

    Autopsy Round 6 v Adelaide, Roasts, Toasts and Changes for Dogs

    How good was starjumps Morris today? What an inspired selection that turned out to be. At least give us a chance to compete with a good side instead of putting this bloke out there to fall over, get there too late, pancake hand a goal or turn it over. Just embarrassing it was & I hope that...
  6. IndoTiger

    Autopsy Round 11 V North Melbourne and Changes for Gold Coast Suns

    What I really liked about tonight apart from Trymong getting lead to the ball 8 times...was the fact that when we were 60 odd points down the first option was to kick backwards & sideways FFS.
  7. IndoTiger

    Autopsy Round 3: Richmond v Adelaide @ Etihad - Changes for West Coast

    Do we have any players that can get the ball & not turn it over? It hurts my eyes watching these blokes play.....when you give up 7 goals through direct turnovers before half time you aint gunna win a game of footy
  8. IndoTiger

    Toast Shaun Hampson

    Nah...the bloke has a severe case of the potato virus..that bump was the first time I have seen him exert anything near physicality in a game & funny thing is I reckon it was an accident. He can win a tap but his awareness as a big bloke when it hits the ground is non existent. He needs to clear...
  9. IndoTiger

    Autopsy Round 15: Richmond vs Carlton @ MCG - Changes for St Kilda

    It's funny isn't it usually the negatives are plentiful particularly when we lose...but we're not losing we are in fact winning. From my observations Friday night..Gordon had 5 kicks inside 50 for 5 misses (He can be replaced)... everyones favourite potato Steven Morris played his role but he is...
  10. IndoTiger

    Autopsy Round 15: Richmond vs Carlton @ MCG - Changes for St Kilda

    Don't post often but lurk & read some of the dribble that gets written here....I've been a Tiger diehard since 1974 & what I am seeing now is good....very farking good..yes we have a handfull of spuds in the side right now but we are winning (When was the last time u could say that as a...
  11. IndoTiger

    Preview Round 9 - Richmond vs Essendon - Dreamtime at the G'

    G'day fellow Tigers just thought I'd share this with you as I do a "piss take" write up each week on our games on facebook.. Looking forward to this game I reckon it will define our season one way or the other.. Huge clash this week Dreamtime at the “G”, Richmond v Essenjection with an...
  12. IndoTiger

    Mike Sheahan implies Lids is a sook!

    G'day fellow Tigers..I don't post often but lurk regularly & am a lifetime Tiger (since 1974).. The media articles this week (Jack & Lids) are quite critical..just hoping that the boys see this and if it doesn't fire them right up this week there is something wrong.. We will be ok & looking...
  13. IndoTiger

    Preview Round 1: Carlton V Richmond - 28/03/2013 7:40pm @ MCG

    The time has arrived, tonight it's "Tiger time".. Will "The mullet" bust open the "human zit" Kreuzer at the first bounce, causing him to weep for the rest of the game. Watch "chimp" Cotchin dazzle with his sublime skills & hardness at the ball, leading from the front as a great captain should...
  14. IndoTiger

    Roast Old Four Eyes' annual clueless troll.....

    After taking his analysis into consideration...I still have the opinion that he is a S.O.C (Silly Old C***) Give yourself a savage uppercut Mike & do not even bother us with your insight ever again ok...
  15. IndoTiger

    Beating the Melgourne out of Ricky P will be tricky b

    Hmmm the glass (galss) houses reference could not be more appropriate after reading your post.. Speaking of getting PAST year 6, what elevated heights of educational standards did you manage to achieve????
  16. IndoTiger

    Dimma on SEN soon

    How many "formidables" did he unleash...loves that word also..
  17. IndoTiger

    Mega Thread Trades and Free Agency Talk Pt2

    Has his obvious when he gets the footy you actually cringe cos you know it will end in a f**k up..but as mentioned earlier he is a hard nut who plays a role in a very inexperienced team..players like him are valuable in a developing side..when we eventually challenge he will be...
  18. IndoTiger

    How crap are Richmond?

    You Sir are a "tube of silastic"... more upside than quite a few outside the 8.. next year we will be well inside the 8..I can smell the fear already.
  19. IndoTiger

    News Tiger Kelvin Moore set for unlikely comeback

    Would love to see griff playing at CHF on that ground with the strong breeze it has favouring the bottom end, he would be having a shot from the centre circle & get the journey comfortably.. I used to play & coach footy in Cairns so know that ground (Cazalys) very well, he could really take...
  20. IndoTiger

    Best spetacle tonight

    Listen mate WTF has join date got to do with anything anyway? So let me get this right, you need to have joined prior to 2011 and cannot take the piss out of any players if you want to post here??? Do you actually read some of the things written on the bay or just decided that my comments about...
  21. IndoTiger

    Taylor Walker's dangerous tackle on Morris

    Look old school it's a great tackle & I agree that's what you are supposed to do, make them stick & make them hurt... But this is the new AFL where any sign of over agression is penalised & that, going on how they have judged similar tackles was dangerous.. It will be scrutinised, whether he...
  22. IndoTiger

    Roast The Selection of Elton and Coaches Favourites

    Morris wasn't on his own today.. so many of our defenders went to ground unnecessarily when had they kept their feet we would have won the contest... what worries me about Morris (don't get me wrong i love his committment) is that he over commits at times and it cost us a few goals today ...
  23. IndoTiger

    Autopsy Round 14 Adelaide vs Richmond

    David Bourke..bwahaha now there's a gun :) rke
  24. IndoTiger

    Autopsy Round 14 Adelaide vs Richmond

    Why is Leo Sayer now umpiring at AFL level??? Should have stuck to singing his faggy love songs the tool....
  25. IndoTiger

    mr hardwick take some blame

    Like all u guys I watch the games very closely & get frustrated when they kick it on Jack's head when he is outnumbered.. usually the guys kicking it are dumb by foot eg: Edwards, jackson etc.. Its not rocket science but if Jack has 3 on him there are obviously 2 loose tigers in the fwd...
  26. IndoTiger

    Best spetacle tonight

    Sorry didn't realise u were related to "Falcon Kreuzer" ease up champ this is the bay remember :)
  27. IndoTiger

    Best spetacle tonight

    Nahh it's gotta be lurch Kreuzers falcon..what a class act he is, u wouldn't want to be grabbing the pill after that it would have been coated in zit juice...
  28. IndoTiger

    Places in bali to watch the footy?

    G'day mate I actually live in Bali and have done for the past 4 years.. There are many places to watch the footy here and the 2 that I often go to are Kuta Town Houses (between Poppies lane 1 & 2) and "Y Bar" in Jl Padma Utara. Both are really good venues and Kuta Town Houses even has a section...