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  1. Sydney Bloods

    Lights Out!

    single point of failure has nothing to do with renewables, in fact no assets from renewable were damaged at all. your continuing attempts to claim renewable were responsible is a laughable. But by all means tell us what this single point of failure was and how having a coal plant in the region...
  2. Sydney Bloods

    2016 US Presidential Election - Trump vs Clinton? - Part 1

    i really hope your doing a bit and haven't actually been bathing in cool aid.
  3. Sydney Bloods

    2016 US Presidential Election - Trump vs Clinton? - Part 1

    you naive, these loopholes have been known and talked about for decades. people have been talking about fixing them for decades, it will never happen.
  4. Sydney Bloods

    2016 US Presidential Election - Trump vs Clinton? - Part 1

    wait really? hell all he needed to do was to use his own policy position* and his own problems to turn that into a fairly positive position. "the problem with the tax code is the loopholes which exist. as you all know much has been made in the media about my own companies using loopholes to...
  5. Sydney Bloods

    NFL 2016 NFL - Week 5

    that was almost a driving maul! love the fb runs!
  6. Sydney Bloods

    Lights Out!

    no base load power station can stabilize a network which is has suffered critical failure of overhead lines, taking the regulators comments out of context doesn't help your case. a coal fired plant provides stability in terms of a constant supply of power, where as renewables have peaks and...
  7. Sydney Bloods

    NFL 2016 NFL - Week 5

    its bit hard to get space for the receivers when you go to the air so much.
  8. Sydney Bloods

    NFL 2016 NFL - Week 5

    "but they literally have everyone in coverage, they only have 7 guys on the line and the defensive coordinator is shouting "pass, its a pass' on a megaphone". "i said throw it" "the pass is intercepted and he'll run it in for a defensive touch down"
  9. Sydney Bloods

    NFL 2016 NFL - Week 5

    someone needs to check McCarthy's sliders.
  10. Sydney Bloods

    Lights Out!

    really? a huge storm takes down 22 high voltage transmission towers and 5 high voltage capacitors causing cascading power fluctuations which results in a number of cascading errors, the system then deliberately shut itself down in order to protect the rest of the infrastructure. it had nothing...
  11. Sydney Bloods

    2016 US Presidential Election - Trump vs Clinton? - Part 1

    or is it just a fantasy?
  12. Sydney Bloods

    NFL 2016 NFL - Week 5

    they always call them when the QB is sitting back that, its almost a disadvantage to face rubbish pass rushers. as it gives umpires time to pick 50/50 infringements.
  13. Sydney Bloods

    NFL 2016 NFL - Week 5

    has greenbay heard of running? they pushed themselves into punting.
  14. Sydney Bloods

    2016 US Presidential Election - Trump vs Clinton? - Part 1

    on the contrary hilary's mouth claims she is pro immigration and pro open boarders and yet she has continually voted in favour of legislation which saw a roll out of border patrol, fences and detention centres. Your a solid caption for why america is so ****ed, you look no further then the...
  15. Sydney Bloods

    2016 US Presidential Election - Trump vs Clinton? - Part 1

    the greatest thing about this thread since Big D's GOP implosion extravaganza kicked off has been donnies cheerleaders labeling clinton as progressive. her policies are so far right they'd make tony abbott blush. just shows people who think they are politically informed are actually single...
  16. Sydney Bloods

    Never mind the ideology, a private school could use govt funding to cut fees by over $4k pa

    i don't know they could cut the fees and then use their falling profit to lobby the government to double their funding. win, win.
  17. Sydney Bloods

    Malcolm Turnbull - How long?

    its becoming increasingly difficult, the biggest issue is not only a lack of positions but many very few employers are willing to provide on the job training. howard tried to counter this with skill based education programs, the problem with that is that it has created a large number of useless...
  18. Sydney Bloods

    2016 US Presidential Election - Trump vs Clinton? - Part 1

    I believe his motivation is "pure" now his rhetoric thats BS. But i believe the man simply woke up one day and thought to himself, "I think i'll run for president" and he did. It explains why he has no policies, why he looks woefully underprepared at debates, why he flip flops so much that he...
  19. Sydney Bloods

    Mundine calls for GF anthem boycott

    well i'm not sure whats more cringeworthy Mundie encouraging us all to embrace seppo bullshit. or the jingolistic national pride defense of the anthem. Actually i do know its the seppo "protest" bullshit, this is australia plenty of people sit and talk through the anthem all the time very few...
  20. Sydney Bloods

    Politics Anthony (Tony) Abbott

    oh god some radio stations are starting to kick around the idea of little finger re-contesting in the new year.
  21. Sydney Bloods

    NSW Government Arseclown Mike Baird, the police state edition

    ok scratch the flats in docklands......... hmm, so the other choices are Darwin, brisbane, Perth or Adelaide................. On seconds thoughts hows the housing market in North Korea atm?
  22. Sydney Bloods

    2016 US Presidential Election - Trump vs Clinton? - Part 1

    Jesus christ, i finally understand why people actually want trump to win. this US election is a complete shit show, if only the both presidential front runners died when there planes crashed into each other.
  23. Sydney Bloods

    Preview 2016 Grand Final: Sydney Swans vs Western Bulldogs

    problem is i'm in the crown towers overlooking the yarra.
  24. Sydney Bloods

    Preview 2016 Grand Final: Sydney Swans vs Western Bulldogs

    its hard, melbourne has the coolaide on tap. i'll have to get more rum delivered.
  25. Sydney Bloods

    Preview 2016 Grand Final: Sydney Swans vs Western Bulldogs

    bah i have NFI how we can stop the fairy tale coming true. the dogs move the ball quickly, their defence is actually solid and they will be sucked off by the umps harder then Mark Robinson left alone with a Nilfisk.
  26. Sydney Bloods

    NFL 2016 NFL - Week 3

    bears secondary is shithouse.
  27. Sydney Bloods

    NFL 2016 NFL - Week 3

    onside kick really?
  28. Sydney Bloods

    NFL 2016 NFL - Week 3

    So close.
  29. Sydney Bloods

    NFL 2016 NFL - Week 3

    if this was madden the commentators would be complaining about running up the score.