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  1. FullyBigKPro

    Rumour 2024 Rumours and Speculation (Rumours total 25, last 28th August)

    Vic Govt is an embarrassment of the highest order... The states totally broke, the corrupt unions are running rife, building a useless train loop from Cheltenham to Box Hill is utter stupidity.
  2. FullyBigKPro

    List Mgmt. 2024 List Mismanagement and Trading

    Our list is dripping in mediocrity and still haven't announced 1 delisting.... :embarrassedv1: :sick:
  3. FullyBigKPro

    Game Day AFL Finals 2024 - Match discussion party thread

    CarLOLton is just the lulz the keep on giving :$ :$
  4. FullyBigKPro

    Game Day AFL Finals 2024 - Match discussion party thread

    Nice Rayner
  5. FullyBigKPro

    Game Day AFL Finals 2024 - Match discussion party thread

    I'll be first over to the PAP board.. :$ :$ Happy to charge off the landing boat first and cop the first barrage!
  6. FullyBigKPro

    Game Day AFL Finals 2024 - Match discussion party thread

  7. FullyBigKPro

    Game Day AFL Finals 2024 - Match discussion party thread

    Epic game....
  8. FullyBigKPro

    Game Day AFL Finals 2024 - Match discussion party thread

    Finally an actual legitimate Finals game....
  9. FullyBigKPro

    Game Day AFL Finals 2024 - Match discussion party thread

    Woweee Callan ******* Ward
  10. FullyBigKPro

    Game Day AFL Finals 2024 - Match discussion party thread

    Essentially said he was an out and out gun and not unexpected kicking 9 etc. Then went on a long winded rant about Sydney V Crows lists (even started a thread on it from memory) and that we aren't really dissimilar etc. Was classic BACC's :$
  11. FullyBigKPro

    Game Day AFL Finals 2024 - Match discussion party thread

    He 100% Callum Chamber'ed us.... Regardless of what BACC's thinks ;)
  12. FullyBigKPro

    Game Day AFL Finals 2024 - Match discussion party thread

    Insane to think GWS gave up a packet of Twisties and half a ham sandwich to get Jesse Hogan.... :embarrassedv1:
  13. FullyBigKPro

    Game Day AFL Finals 2024 - Match discussion party thread

    Oh wow Sydney.... The choke is on again
  14. FullyBigKPro

    List Mgmt. 2024 List Mismanagement and Trading

    * meant Sid Draper
  15. FullyBigKPro

    List Mgmt. 2024 List Mismanagement and Trading

    Keane's one of the very few players on our list that actually has trade capital. KPDs always command overs in deals and would give us much needed draft picks to get trade deals done along with allowing us to get Dodson and Draper. Geesus this club makes some dumb list decisions.
  16. FullyBigKPro

    Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach (Part 3) - The Biggest Loser

    Watching the Hawks players celebrating and getting around each other.... :embarrassedv1: :'( And to think we had to put up with this garbage a few weeks ago... :sick:.... Jesus wept...
  17. FullyBigKPro

    News New CEO: Tim Silvers

    Its been so typical of the crows in recent years.... Appoint a commercial/corporate person with 0 football knowledge but as long as they sell memberships and run the club like a franchise - all good! Fagan was like that too.
  18. FullyBigKPro

    Game Day AFL Finals 2024 - Match discussion party thread

    Imagine playing fast skilful attacking footy.... Revolutionary :$
  19. FullyBigKPro

    Game Day AFL Finals 2024 - Match discussion party thread

    Hawthorn blowing past us on the rebuild and pizazz ... :sick: Can you imagine Watson playing for us.... "DONT YOU DARE CELEBRATE!"
  20. FullyBigKPro

    List Mgmt. 2024 List Mismanagement and Trading

    AND actually giving them a clear role and you know, maybe playing them in somewhat similar positions they are used to kinds helps...
  21. FullyBigKPro

    Game Day AFL Finals 2024 - Match discussion party thread

  22. 1725538346824.png


  23. FullyBigKPro

    Game Day AFL Finals 2024 - Match discussion party thread

    Own up... Show yourselves.... Who talked up Poort and said they would win easy?? Cmon name names.
  24. 1725535484299.png


  25. FullyBigKPro

    Game Day AFL Finals 2024 - Match discussion party thread

  26. FullyBigKPro

    Game Day AFL Finals 2024 - Match discussion party thread

    Butters subbed..... Shiver me timbers
  27. FullyBigKPro

    Game Day AFL Finals 2024 - Match discussion party thread

    Imagine having that Stengle bloke... Charlie Cameron too... With Izak.
  28. FullyBigKPro

    Game Day AFL Finals 2024 - Match discussion party thread

    Kenny already reaching for the Pepsi Max can :$ Nicksy would be proud