Does anyone know what kind of wrist injury or wrist surgery Andy McGrath had (only interested as I've had ongoing wrist injury issues for a long time now).
Is there anyone in the team capable of fronting up hard against Parker/Papley after their past little press mouth-off's and 'scaredy-cat' impersonations? It's literally the only thing I want to see in this match.
Is their any footage of what Zach Merrett was fined for by MRP? Surely it wasn't the little clash with Tom Atkins after he kicked that goal? There was zero mention of it on the night. It's like that time he got fined for staging a few years ago? Absolute rubbish from Michael Christian.
Hey Twinkletoes - can I ask who did your bicep tenodesis? Did you rupture/tear the bicep tendor and/or rotator cuff? Just asking as I might be up for the same procedure (no rupture, possible slight tear of sub-scapularis, persistent pain for 12 months)
Surely an unbiased mrp wouldn't fine Merrett a few weeks ago and let Daicos off for that flop?
MRP have been biased agains essendon all year (Merret suspension, Mitch Duncan cleared to play essendon, etc, etc). If anything they'll reduce it to one week so Rampy is clear to climb the goalposts against essendon in 2 weeks.
Well - Geelong are playing Essendon next week - all clear..
MRP need a clean out - if Merrett's tackle is 1 week Duncan's concussion causing head high hit is worth 3
Zaharakis got "Natanui'd" out of the game and broken collarbone/lengthy recocery? - interesting to see how the MRP assess that. Meanwhile Dusti's hip and shoulder - deliberately playing the man and not the ball has got many in trouble regardless of how 'fair' the hit might have been...
Essendon player just had a pot shot at goal from the centre with a big tail wind, ball just missed bouncing through for a point and went out - umpire paid deliberate. Commentator Campbell 'sniper' Brown is totally unbiased and thinks its a fair call.. what do you all think?
This forum includes 'drugs in sport' so I think this is the perfect forum, and I'm surprised at the whole 'We told AFL and they did nothing to help us' angle they are playing. What were they hoping for? Huge fines and being banned from competition?
Really? But it's not up to the AFL, otherwise EFC would be playing a full list. If we are signed on with ASADA/WADA and S6 does apply to the failed tests at Collingwood (and Cocaine is the drug they tested positive fore) why isn't it immediate infraction? Cocaine is clearly and specifically...
Are S6 stimulants only prosecuted if tested positive on game day? Cocaine is banned by WADA under S6 but there has been no mention of players facing WADA/ASADA.
But not smart enough to demand transparency and complete WADA testing of all available samples from all teams. There have been enough teams implicated, this is where I hope WADA 'comes over the top' as everyone likes to put it.
Exactly - 2 players guilty should equal a full investigation of the club. If they have no records of what they had for breakfast 6 months ago big trouble.
"... the investigation of the nine clubs, which had been represented by one law firm ..."
All 9 clubs represented by the one law firm, all conveniently cleared. 9 clubs cleared in one investigation, but lets have a separate investigation for EFC - I guess they are consistant.
Of course there will be no investigations into all this. Imagine how much it would cost. If they whack EFC they can proclaim the game 'clean' and carry on. Sounds fair. Perhaps they should be called the 'Un-Australian Football League'.
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