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  1. J

    Covid 19 (OPEN DISCUSSION)

    From memory California has a stay at home order in place from early 2020 all the way to Jan 2021. That seems like a long time. People in Florida aren't en mass walking around wearing masks. High grade surgical masks, KN95 and N95 masks work, but just like us most people are wearing fabric masks...
  2. J

    Covid 19 (OPEN DISCUSSION)

    I wonder if anyone on here is old enough to remember the Hong Kong flu pandemic in 1968. Well before my time, but it caused between 1 million and four million global deaths. No lockdowns, no restrictions and no hysteria. I doubt many have even heard of it. Contrast that to the mass hysteria and...
  3. J

    Covid 19 (OPEN DISCUSSION)

    New large scale study out today. Lockdowns prevented excess Covid deaths by only 0.20%. Nowhere near enough to justify the other detrimental downstream effects as you put it. The effect of lockdowns is broad and insidious. Just some: Mental health deterioration. Look at increased suicide...
  4. J

    Covid 19 (OPEN DISCUSSION)

    So California has twice the population and twice the deaths, BUT maximum fear and paranoia, i.e. masks, lockdowns, closures of schools and treating people like Leppers. Florida, half the popn and has two thirds the death rate, and has more elderly people. This with no lockdowns, no masks, no...
  5. J

    Covid 19 (OPEN DISCUSSION)

    That's cause he made them up on the spot or nore likely had faulty info heading in. Vaccines working It still might happen. In our case it is still too early to know. In 12 months time we could be at or close to that 40k number. There is a new international report right now that...
  6. J

    Covid 19 (OPEN DISCUSSION)

    So their death rate corresponds almost exactly to the number i posted 99.84% survival rate using our numbers. Most would be over 65, if not over 75 with co morbidities. Source for Africa's misreporting?
  7. J

    Covid 19 (OPEN DISCUSSION)

    Talking I don't have a vested interest. My business has never been busier, nor more successful. I mean that sincerely. I actually can't keep up. I have 10 to 15 client meetings a week on average. My interest is purely where I said it lies, and that is the creeping authoritarianism in the...
  8. J

    Covid 19 (OPEN DISCUSSION)

    All else being equal, you pick the vacced person. Stated as much prior. Triage rules apply. It's not the T Virus from Resident Evil. Most will be ok with bed rest, fluids and paracetamol just like the flu.
  9. J

    Covid 19 (OPEN DISCUSSION)

    Africa? Lowest vacc rate and still lower death rate. Sweden? No lock downs at all, same numbers. Florida in USA, no diff from heavily locked down California or NY. Don't get me wrong, McGowan was right to lock us down the first time and even a couple subsequent. We had that luxury at the time...
  10. J

    Covid 19 (OPEN DISCUSSION)

    That's a nanny state. Helmets and seatbelts don't hurt anyone other than the person not wearing them. The Western World abrogates personal responsibility. We always cater to the lowest common denominator. It's never the individuals fault. Always someone elses. Some moron falls off a cliff...
  11. J

    Covid 19 (OPEN DISCUSSION)

    Simple calc, but I just did total case numbers in Aus divided by total deaths. A statistician can tell me if I'm doing that wrong...
  12. J

    Covid 19 (OPEN DISCUSSION)

    Yes. Calling people morons vs. completely locking them out of society because you are scared and want the warm embrace of the govt. to protect you from something with 99.86 survivability rate across all cohorts (old and with co-morbidities) doesn't seem equivalent does it?You don't need to be...
  13. J

    Covid 19 (OPEN DISCUSSION)

    We don't turn away fat people, smokers etc. but we do place them lower in triage situations and on donor lists. The same thing will happen for the unvaccinated. That doesn't mean we should be locking them out of society and showing our papers in an increasingly and worryingly authoritarian...
  14. J

    Beyond the GF – Why the MCG Contract doesn’t pass the Stink Test

    50 year contract is corruption plain and simple. It's also short sighted for a supposedly national game. The truth is that the NBL is more national than the AFL.
  15. J

    News Jack Darling resumes with WCE

    How can you say with conviction that people have a choice? 100k fines for businesses, lose your job, no entry to events, bars, clubs etc. Where is the choice? It's holding a gun to people's head. The wealthy have a choice. Everyone is is just a slave. How is it reckless not to get a vaccine...
  16. J

    News Jack Darling resumes with WCE

    Using the term anti vacc is convenient, but it doesn't capture the large number of those who are vaccinated who deplore mandates. Call it being anti authoritarian. This is a slippery slope.
  17. J

    News Jack Darling resumes with WCE

    I'm vaccinated. It's better than not being for one who wants to protect against Covid depending on personal situation. My argument is the lack of choice. You know, that thing Democracy is supposed to be about. Also, you'd have to break that data up by cohort. For example, what is the chance of...
  18. J

    News Jack Darling resumes with WCE

    Let me add, if these vaccines were actually any good why is Pfizer trying to hold onto the research data for the next 75 years? It's morally reprehensible.
  19. J

    News Jack Darling resumes with WCE

    At this stage is it a pandemic or does Omicron mean it is Endemic? At this stage is it even a Pandemic or does Omicron mean it's Endemic? How many people under the age of 65 w out co morbidities actually die FROM Covid and not "with" Covid? For that matter how many over that age w out co...
  20. J

    News Jack Darling resumes with WCE

    With vaccines that have decades of proven efficacy and results.
  21. J

    News Jack Darling resumes with WCE

    Because they are widespread and the side effects and efficacy are not known. How many people getting Polio after being vacced for it? These vaccines do not work all that well, and let's face it, came to market quickly. Pfizer trying to release the safety data over 75 years when we are all dead...
  22. J

    News Jack Darling resumes with WCE

    That parts weird. Just say you aren't getting it 🤷
  23. J

    News Jack Darling resumes with WCE

    What about people who have had the vaccine, but don't support vacc mandates? At least 10 to 20% of people who have been double jabbed would not have taken the vaccine bar for the punishment for not taking it. Let's be real, there is no choice for most people. Lose your job, get fined OR have...
  24. J

    News Jack Darling resumes with WCE

    The mandates will go away, it's just a matter of when. It could be 12 months, it could be as long as 36. Look at what the UK just did. When Omicron is here and running wild, Economics will end this pandemic, and like magic these mandates will disappear. Jack's ability to play at the top level...
  25. J

    Scandal Dani Laidley Arrested - Leave the Tasteless Jokes at the Door When Entering

    It also leads to more young children erroneously believing they are transgender and taking the associated drugs to enact this change without parental consent under the age of 18 (court orders). I smell alot of lawsuits in the future when these 12, 13 and 14 year olds actually grow up and realise...
  26. J

    Rumour Bailey Smith mental health

    Depression is diff from schizophrenia and BPD. You used them interchangeably in your argument. There is a distinction. I'd bet the rates of both are quite consistent across populations if diagnosed accurately. The incidence of depression is far higher in Western Society. This is because of the...
  27. J

    Rumour Bailey Smith mental health

    Bushranger, post: 73201194, member: 19432"] Mental health is different from mental illness. I don't mean to sound patronising when I say that. But mental health, and mental well being, don't mean that the person is suffering from a mental illness. like when a dude gets busted being a flog...
  28. J

    Not-a-cluey Best FOOTBALL RELATED RUMOUR you have heard from someone you trust Part Deux - Many lies and bullshit in here. Please read OP before posting.

    And that's why she left. Had it been his wife, I very much doubt that would be the case.
  29. J

    Not-a-cluey Best FOOTBALL RELATED RUMOUR you have heard from someone you trust Part Deux - Many lies and bullshit in here. Please read OP before posting.

    I base my morals from thousands of years of history. Prominent men, think Kings always had multiple wives, and if not wives mistresses. It is the same now. You think the bimbos who throw themselves at footballers in clubs don't know they have girlfriends?
  30. J

    Not-a-cluey Best FOOTBALL RELATED RUMOUR you have heard from someone you trust Part Deux - Many lies and bullshit in here. Please read OP before posting.

    Did his wife leave him? Prob not. You think Paine's wife doesn't know he's a pants man? There's rules. No kids, no STI's, don't embarrass me and no monetary resources on your bimbos. The reason the wives stay, is because anything else is a downgrade. Where is Tim Paine's wife gonna go? She...