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  1. RookiePick

    Oppo Camp Non-Eagles Discussion

    Essendrug confirming their fraud status. 1-4 or something like that against the top 8 after tonight
  2. RookiePick

    Oppo Camp Non-Eagles Discussion

    Given my earlier posts I can see why Ochre is off on this tack. I don't think the umpires are told to stooge non-Vic teams specifically. I think the umpires are told, particularly when they are shitty fixtures out of the flag race to just keep it close. I'm pretty sure we got a few pretty dodgy...
  3. RookiePick

    Oppo Camp Non-Eagles Discussion

    The umpires are not this bad. I'm convinced they have clear instructions on how to direct the flow of the game. The VaFL has just brought the blatant manipulation of the tribunal out onto the field nowadays. Sport entertainment, Victorians.
  4. RookiePick

    Oppo Camp Non-Eagles Discussion

    Now the VaFL maggots work for the Aints. This league is just absolutely ****ed.
  5. RookiePick

    Autopsy Round 13, 2024: Positives and Negatives vs North Melbourne

    Chesser is a non-entity. He's a big old scoop of vanilla that has fallen out of the cone and into the dirt. Duggan mkii written all over him.
  6. RookiePick

    Autopsy Round 13, 2024: Positives and Negatives vs North Melbourne

    It will be a positive if a Simpsons pride fury when Sheed dropped that sitter for a shot on goal actually results in some sort of selection action. Just a dogshit effort by the boys today. Really frustrating as a fan. You can see how shit house North are and we lost because we play...
  7. RookiePick

    Game Day Round 13, 2024 : West Coast v North Melbourne

    Ryan injured. That's the cherry on top
  8. RookiePick

    Game Day Round 13, 2024 : West Coast v North Melbourne

    Crooked league gets what it wants. Unbelievable.
  9. RookiePick

    Game Day Round 13, 2024 : West Coast v North Melbourne

    If we actually gave a shit we could still win. North are putrid but we are just spineless. Out worked all over the ground.
  10. RookiePick

    Game Day Round 13, 2024 : West Coast v North Melbourne

    Throw all. Aka quick hands
  11. RookiePick

    Game Day Round 13, 2024 : West Coast v North Melbourne

    Our brains trust will take out a small.
  12. RookiePick

    Game Day Round 13, 2024 : West Coast v North Melbourne

    Bailey Williams is officially Wardlaw's bitch. I knew we were going to lose but it doesn't make watching it any more palatable. We are straight up trash
  13. RookiePick

    List Mgmt. Welcome Jai Culley (Pick 1, 2022 MSD)

    Looking forward to seeing Jai back out there!
  14. RookiePick

    Once More in '94 - Part 1

    Definitely Heady between McIntosh and Woosh. Look at those wingnuts. Woosh is still a unit. Big traps on the man I think Mick Malthouse looking more and more like Colonel Sanders every year is one of my favourite things. Who is on the far right end next to Hart? I feel like I should recognise...
  15. RookiePick

    What are some of the biggest pieces of revisionist history in the AFL?

    Jeebus. This bloke is going to completely flip when he finds out about Matera in the '92 grannie.
  16. RookiePick

    Banter The No Dazzlering Big Cricket Thread

    As an aside I'm preeetty sure I've seen skinny keepers absolutely bottle straightforward catches as well.
  17. RookiePick

    List Mgmt. Welcome Jack Hutchinson (Pick 3, 2024 MSD)

    Strong marking, clean hands, sticks tackles, shit haircut. What's not to like?
  18. RookiePick

    Banter The No Dazzlering Big Cricket Thread

    What a legend. Slots straight into my all time fat XI.
  19. RookiePick

    Official Match Thread Season 37, First Semi Final: Gold City Royals v Las Vegas Bears at The Golden Throne [MOTR]

    The initial workshop results were...flaccid but tony still made a motza dumping them into the prison system.
  20. RookiePick

    Oppo Camp Non-Eagles Discussion

    Flogarty with cash on the game. Shocking
  21. RookiePick

    Prediction Round 13, 2024: Changes vs North Melbourne

    Nah. I said "undoubtedly" campaigner. Look it up
  22. RookiePick

    Oppo Camp Non-Eagles Discussion

    3 shit sides on show
  23. RookiePick

    Prediction Round 13, 2024: Changes vs North Melbourne

    He's talked shit undoubtedly and getting frozen out.
  24. RookiePick

    Prediction Round 13, 2024: Changes vs North Melbourne

    BSD: Family Edition
  25. RookiePick

    Pictures of people and things that can outcoach Ken Hinkley

    "Medical team to transporter room 2..."
  26. RookiePick

    Prediction Round 13, 2024: Changes vs North Melbourne

    Connection with your mids as a ruck takes time. Particularly when the mids aren't especially gifted clearance players. Flynn will likely be fine but it's realistically his second game and half the starting midfielders will have changed. It's hardly ideal conditions.
  27. RookiePick

    Prediction Round 13, 2024: Changes vs North Melbourne

    Fair call on Ryan. I did forget about him. I think Flynn is more hope than proven at this stage and our midfield is stinky, however you slice it. This is where we lose it IMO. Ginbey is going to need to find some swagger from somewhere this week, Yeo is underdone and is a good chance of...
  28. RookiePick

    Prediction Round 13, 2024: Changes vs North Melbourne

    North have been beating us while they sucked though and we fell over the line at home against them with this lineup: Admittedly Barrass and Gov down back is a huge boon but we are really not lining up much different - Hurn, Bazzo, Hunt. Long, Hewett, TK, Allen + Barra, Gov, Yeo (struggling)...
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  30. RookiePick

    List Mgmt. Welcome Jack Hutchinson (Pick 3, 2024 MSD)

    Hopefully a good debut for the fella. Not quite the Maric level rollercoaster but a pretty good impression of it! Go well Hutchy!