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  1. PhatBoy

    C Cameron v C Rioli v E Betts

    He also wouldn’t have actually played as much on Betts though as a direct opponent. There’s a perception that Enright played as a back pocket and blanked forward pockets to make a name for himself. He was literally still being named in the Cats centre line up until midway through 2009 and was on...
  2. PhatBoy

    NRL 2024 - Preliminary Finals

    Yes. I want consistency, and common sense. I think it’s common sense that it should PROBABLY be a sin bin. I’m borderline on it. You shouldn’t be able to just iron someone out deliberately when you have had more than enough time to bail out of the play. It borderline ticks the common sense...
  3. PhatBoy

    NRL 2024 - Preliminary Finals

    What swinging arm? If it’s the Kenny one, sorry mate, you’re not going to win(ge) the argument. You’re allowed to move your arms to make a tackle where someone’s ankles are normally going to be without having to just assume that a split second later their head will be there instead.
  4. PhatBoy

    NRL 2024 - Preliminary Finals

    No no I realise that.
  5. PhatBoy

    AFL : too blind to see it.

    I actually don’t think this is the worst idea. And no I don’t say this because I think it cost us the preliminary final but I did find myself thinking during it that the week off, week in, week off, week on, doesn’t exactly help in the momentum department for the top four sides who win their...
  6. PhatBoy

    NRL 2024 - Preliminary Finals

    lol the Hazleton one??? Bahahahaha he was two feet off the ground. The only way Kenny could avoid him would be by chewing off his own arm in some sort of instantaneous prediction of Hazleton falling over.
  7. PhatBoy

    NRL 2024 - Preliminary Finals

    Most people’s chest isn’t in their back for starters. Secondly, you can’t belt someone seconds after they’ve gotten rid of the ball mate. It’s that simple. Anyway, if nothing else at least the game served as a good reminder of why the big guy is such a liability. Which swinging arm are you...
  8. PhatBoy

    NRL 2024 - Preliminary Finals

    Grade 1? lol, it’s not a ‘graded’ precedent mate and very few things beyond punching are. Watch replays of blokes getting taken out off the ball mate and some of the indiscretions that have been penalised with sin bins this season. A player was binned for patting an opponent on the head earlier...
  9. PhatBoy

    NRL 2024 - Preliminary Finals

    I’m sorry I’m trying to find where I said that….. nope. Can’t find it anywhere. It wasn’t the biggest most brutal hit. It was late and he had more than enough time to pull out of it and deserved 10 in the bin based on every precedent. Simple as that. Players have been binned for next to...
  10. PhatBoy

    NRL 2024 - Preliminary Finals

    I was an avowed disliker of him but my tune has changed in the last 18 months. Has matured a fair bit I think and I enjoyed his face to face with Yvonne Sampson, and having met him and hassled he and three of his teammates to give a little video message to my girlfriends son while they were...
  11. PhatBoy

    NRL 2024 - Preliminary Finals

    Lolll at some suggestion Luai took a dive or something. A 115kg bloke smashed into him while he was standing still with his back to him. Whether you think it was late or not, he got belted. And what’s more he bounced up pretty quickly all things considered. Many wouldn’t have.
  12. PhatBoy

    NRL 2024 - Preliminary Finals

    Bullshit mate.
  13. PhatBoy

    Fox Footy co-host Mark Robinson looks set to leave AFL 360 after 14 years in the hot seat

    Not a popular opinion but I don’t mind Robbo. Obviously a lover of the game and just a grub who loved a dart and a drink who will watch two flies kicking a ball between them if it says Sherrin on the side of it.
  14. PhatBoy

    Worst player to play in a grand final??

    lol, no he didn’t.
  15. PhatBoy

    Consecutive Grand Final Losses - OUCH!

    They fought back from five goals down two games ago. I’m pretty sure they know how to play as a team with heart
  16. PhatBoy

    Best choke of 2024

    Yeah it could. We could be you.
  17. PhatBoy

    Consecutive Grand Final Losses - OUCH!

    Was only four in total but yes they lost 3 in a row including the famous mudbath grand final where the Gladiators photo of Arthur Summons and Norm Provan was taken
  18. PhatBoy

    Most overrated player in the AFL currently?

    If you’re a ruckman - unless you’re Max Gawn who legitimately can rip a game apart - you can only be as good as your midfield to some degree. He’s simply not good enough to be at that level. MAYBE at his absolute peak he was but that’s gone past him now. And for what it’s worth I’m not...
  19. PhatBoy

    Banter Geelong V Richmond - GO!

    No I’d rather have won the competition. It has nothing to do with the point being made and further highlights your inability to differentiate logic and context from your salivating rage at the mere mention of the G word. Run along The Abletts won three flags, by the way 🤦
  20. PhatBoy

    Banter Geelong V Richmond - GO!

    What aren’t you making up, exactly? Mark Thompson coached us then later became a meth addict and four years after leaving our club was at Essendon in a managerial role while the supplements saga occurred. Stephen Dank had ties - wasn’t even employed by - to a company from whom we got a legal...
  21. PhatBoy

    Banter Geelong V Richmond - GO!

    So are conspiracies
  22. PhatBoy

    Banter Geelong V Richmond - GO!

    No, it’s just a statistical fact. The two sides with the highest winning rate across that period, ie. the sides who won the most frequently were Richmond in first, and Geelong in second. We don’t need to cope with anything, least of all spending five weeks in this thread after the end of a...
  23. PhatBoy

    Banter Geelong V Richmond - GO!

    You’re a grown man - I assume - and this is how you deal with football scores 😂
  24. PhatBoy

    Banter Geelong V Richmond - GO!

    ‘Stand.’ ‘What do we do? Where am I? Who are we?’
  25. PhatBoy

    Banter Geelong V Richmond - GO!

    Dont let that tinfoil hat slip too far off your head mate Again, just to remind you: the two best sides across 2017-2020 before the stand rule were Richmond and Geelong. Stand rule comes in - one stays up, one disappears. There seems to be only one group sooking about it mate and it’s not us...
  26. PhatBoy

    Banter Geelong V Richmond - GO!

    lol that’s a thing now is it? How many teams have you beaten in a grand final who won their prelim by exactly 87 points in those years? Oh no I just looked at what you said not to look at and I’m so sad, I just hate it Shock horror: grand final winning team beats team who was in hitherto...
  27. PhatBoy

    Banter Geelong V Richmond - GO!

    Possibly but he’s from the other end of the spectrum too where because of where they finished and who they had to play, and where they’re located, their last three games were interstate I mean who’s to say that one of the reasons Sydney were so poor isn’t because they went bye, slow start/30...
  28. PhatBoy

    Banter Geelong V Richmond - GO!

    Except for months of football at a time where we play and you don’t.
  29. PhatBoy

    Banter Geelong V Richmond - GO!

    I actually like your posting as you know but I’ll defer to Fagan on this one. I agree to some extent with what he said after last week. Having a quiet match against west coast, a week off, a quiet second half against port, and another week off, doesn’t set you up better than having a couple of...
  30. PhatBoy

    C Cameron v C Rioli v E Betts

    Is it? It’s an opinion poll, it’s not a scientifically binding outcome. Cyril Rioli was an amazing player. He also played his whole career in one of the best teams in modern footy, and retired before he had time to decline. Eddie Betts spent most of his career in mediocre to atrocious teams...