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  1. TechFerret

    Feedback Quick questions you couldn't find an answer for...

    The reboots were 1-2 minutes, the performance degradation lasted hours. It's much cleaner today. Fingers crossed that we have finally, once-and-for-all, never-ever-again, resolved all performance issues. Forever. And ever. Apologies for the lost half-an-hour. Chief is offering conciliatory...
  2. TechFerret

    Feedback Quick questions you couldn't find an answer for...

    We have had some underlying hardware issues, not our fault - will be working with our provider to resolve. *sad ferret face* At this stage we've worked out a way to recover, but causes 1-2 minute total outage. Hopefully we'll have a better solution by tomorrow. Thanks for your patience! TF
  3. TechFerret

    Help Emojis changing to ?

    Aaargh, I missed this post. Yes, that was the issue the whole time. Well done.
  4. TechFerret

    Help Tapatalk App Issues - Tapatalk support now being phased out.

    Our auto-detection of Tapatalk may have been broken, have just pushed a supposed fix live. Could you please try one more time turning off that preference and seeing if it displays normally? If it still screws up then turn it back on by all means. Just trying to fix it more broadly and...
  5. TechFerret

    Help Emojis changing to ?

    Okay, I just assumed this was a mobile device issue or a OSX quirk, but it appears to be definitely Chrome. I can confirm I have the same problem on Windows 10 Chrome whereas in Firefox it displays correctly. And it's only with some emojis. It's worth Chief talking to our vendor to see if they...
  6. TechFerret

    Help Emojis changing to ?

    Testing :$:$ :oops::oops: :$ :$ -----
  7. TechFerret

    Help Tapatalk App Issues - Tapatalk support now being phased out.

    Dang it. When you change the user preference does it clean up?
  8. TechFerret

    Help Emojis changing to ?

    All emojis look broken to you? This is starting to point at your Chrome/OSX combination quite specifically rather than anything on our server side. *sad face* I'll keep trying to find if there's any known issues that can be fixed. Sorry that this is affecting you.
  9. TechFerret

    Help Emojis changing to ?

    I can see that emoji that you've typed in my browser... So others can see it, just not you?
  10. TechFerret

    Help Emojis changing to ?

    The best I can find is that 2 years ago a MacOs/OSX user had problems with an emoji using chrome, but I'm otherwise unable to find any known bugs around that combination, sorry. Can you advise whether this is a new issue? When did it start being a problem? Are there any other emojis that aren't...
  11. TechFerret

    Help Emojis changing to ?

    Very strange! :embarrassed:
  12. TechFerret

    Help Tapatalk App Issues - Tapatalk support now being phased out.

    Was it still broken until you turned the preference off? A fix was meant to go live today to automatically detect/fix for app users, but Chief thought it was okay when he tried it on the app. Regards, TF
  13. TechFerret

    Recruiting Trade & Free Agency VIII

    We're looking into just simply detecting when people are using the app and hiding junk automatically. In the meantime the user preference will do the job.
  14. TechFerret

    Feedback Quick questions you couldn't find an answer for...

    That should be fixed now. That is, any new posts/replies shouldn't have that junk in it. Please let me know if any other issues. Regards, TF
  15. TechFerret

    Feedback Quick questions you couldn't find an answer for...

    Thanks! We've just come across this today. Will fix it.
  16. TechFerret

    Feedback Quick questions you couldn't find an answer for...

    The app (essentially Tapatalk) doesn't handle the new data addon terribly well so we have added a user preference to just switch it off. I think you'll need to go into the site via web and it's the last user preference. Details here...
  17. TechFerret

    Help Tapatalk App Issues - Tapatalk support now being phased out.

    It can be disabled until we have a fix for the app(s). May take an hour or so to do this but then we'll leave it off until alternate solution in place by tomorrow or so.
  18. TechFerret

    Help Tapatalk App Issues - Tapatalk support now being phased out.

    Okay, we can look at fixing that. Not actually our fault, just the way Tapatalk grabs our content without seeing any of our addons but they don't seem inclined to do much about it. Probably a push to have it resolved tonight but can probably sort it out tomorrow.
  19. TechFerret

    Help Tapatalk App Issues - Tapatalk support now being phased out.

    We've added a feature that pops up a player data card automatically if it detects the presence of a player name where we have data. If this is colliding with the Tapatalk app then we could look at adding the ability in preferences to disable displaying that feature. Will talk to Chief about...
  20. TechFerret

    Help BigFooty worsening quality of uploaded images

    Well that's squarely on me. We have just introduced an addon to compress uploaded images (some of the attachment uploads are huge). However, this says to me that it's not as lossless as we hoped. I'll tune it back up. The intention was to save on space/traffic but not at the expense of impacting...
  21. TechFerret

    Help 403 Forbidden Error

    Also remember to hit shift-reload in case your browser is still remembering that rather than getting a fresh page.
  22. TechFerret

    Help 403 Forbidden Error

    giggler99 Can you please PM to me the IP address that you hit the Internet with from your home WiFi network?
  23. TechFerret

    Help 403 Forbidden Error

    We've purged all the ban lists from Australia and New Zealand. All going well you should have full access again. Can you please confirm?
  24. TechFerret

    Feedback Quick questions you couldn't find an answer for...

    More IP addresses were cleansed today. Any better now? If not, can you please PM me the IP address that you're trying to connect from?
  25. TechFerret

    Feedback Quick questions you couldn't find an answer for...

    Hmmm, I would cheerfully take the 403 error away forever. Is it working from your desktop but not your phone? Is it happening on the main or inside the forums?
  26. TechFerret

    Feedback Quick questions you couldn't find an answer for...

    The site has never been hacked (apart from an i###t* Channel 9 journalist and some Indian "white hatters" peeking at our search index). The last few weeks we've had something massive spidering our site and were worried that it was mischief so we've been putting up some active defenses. Turns...
  27. TechFerret

    Feedback Quick questions you couldn't find an answer for...

    I'm throwing this one open to Chief. Technically it shouldn't be a problem. There's clearly something with these files but I'm unsure. Are you able to email them to Chief so he can have a look?
  28. TechFerret

    Feedback Quick questions you couldn't find an answer for...

    Chief - is that one for you after my earlier jiggery-pokery?
  29. TechFerret

    Feedback Quick questions you couldn't find an answer for...

    Are you just uploading them as attachments in a post? Does anything else upload or is it just these gifs in particular it doesn't like? I just did some test uploads and they were near instant but I'm probably not doing what you're doing. :-/ Can you try again in case there was some network...