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  1. D

    Morgoth Jane My money please

    Oh but sugar. I'm not into that...
  2. D

    Morgoth Jane My money please

    You quote the Australian. Aha aha aha. Me wins - I want cash from you dweeb.
  3. D

    Abbott: "Warmer when Jesus was a boy"

    Piss off then spambot. He is not on your side fool. Get it?
  4. D

    Abbott: "Warmer when Jesus was a boy"

    what a fool you are then. can you spin this? Sigh i guess not. Keep plugging away kid.
  5. D

    Superannuation backs Rudd on mining tax

    oh yeah, and whose bankrolling the libs and their stupid scare tactics.:rolleyes:
  6. D

    Superannuation backs Rudd on mining tax

    god you dribble shit. quoting econtech again...:rolleyes: nice hypocrisy. Bottom line is RSPT have will have a short term net effect of less than 1%. **** off with your scaremongering ********.
  7. D

    Twiggy sticks a great big log up Rudd

    and you are Abbott, ie thick. What part of 5% unemployment do you girls not get? FFS it aint difficult.
  8. D

    Global warming not going away

    Can you post one legitimate source which disputes AGW? you cant can you. Hint: anfernee doesn't count. (U watching him in in Oz hawkie with the other pensioners?)
  9. D

    Global warming not going away

    Hey ******* spin this... Arctic sea ice extent declines rapidly in May From the experts you know who do this sort of thing for a living. Unlike the frauds you like to quote.
  10. D

    Now Xstrata exposed as liars.

    Re: labour fanbois panicking incidentally ********, the economist you dismiss as a "left" academic economist is far from that. Very much a free marketeer. you on the other hand are a simplistic flog.
  11. D

    Now Xstrata exposed as liars.

    Re: labour fanbois panicking You have nothing and you know it. You talk so much shit but have really nothing. I expose you're crap about quoting the wrong report and you run a mile. You cannot quote one INDEPENDENT report about any negative impact of the RSPT can you . Thought not. fraud.
  12. D

    Morgoth Jane My money please

    Plus I gave you both mega odds, feeling sorry for you liberal twits and all. Now Jane, I know you are an old gobbler but unlike the rest of your life, you cannot escspe the truth on this one. Pay up baby. Ten for kevvy 10. As for you morgoth, you're an idiot, a shallow fool but a fool...
  13. D

    Morgoth Jane My money please

    You two nice but well meaning fools bet the Ruddster would be run out of town by July 6. You both will fail as you know. Thus the question is, how do you reconcile your wagers. I am open to suggestions on this, Jane you being a pensioner and all i will cut you some slack. Morgoth you are...
  14. D

    Abbott: "Warmer when Jesus was a boy"

    Heres a clue fool. He aint quite on your side. Hey ********, are you denying AGW?
  15. D

    Remember Kev's health reform?

    Where was the lying rodents health reforms? Oh wait thats right he didnt have any!
  16. D

    Very good news about the economy

    No ******** the graph is not an issue. Bottom line stimulus worked and you are a stupid denier...:p Treasury screws you. Will you now STFU?
  17. D

    Now Xstrata exposed as liars.

    Re: labour fanbois panicking Douche where is your EVIDENCE the RSPT will be a negative drag on the economy. Come on give me one report. Just one. ********.
  18. D

    Abbott: "Warmer when Jesus was a boy"

    Hey hawker, apparently Anfernee watts is in town. You seeing him? the average age of attendees is about 65 i that you. what about that northern hemisphere station analysis? can you ask him about that? Hows it going.
  19. D

    Now Xstrata exposed as liars.

    Re: labour fanbois panicking In other words, you're a ****ing idiot. You don't know which report your quoting and when exposed you say oh sorry not sure about that. And who commissioned your fan boy report>? The MCA!! ****wit.
  20. D

    Abbott: "Warmer when Jesus was a boy"

    you are a fool spam bot and belong in the deniersphere with that other denier idiot hawker. No facts.
  21. D

    Global warming not going away

    No you lying bastard, can you spin your way around this one. Arctic sea ice is at record low levels, only the totally stupid like yourself could deny otherwise. Can you spin this one? You are a total fraud.
  22. D

    Now Xstrata exposed as liars.

    Re: labour fanbois panicking yep, youre full of shit. You keep your faux sympathy for those poor billionaires who are sqealing like stuck pigs. As for the KPMG report (not econtech douche) you cant spot a lemon when you see one? FFS how old are you...
  23. D

    Lindsay Tanner - two faced arse clown

    Jane I'm being nice to you and all that because you are of ahem, advancing years but keep this up and I will be demanding that 10 quid from you when you lose.
  24. D

    Global warming not going away

    In your usual lying way hawker you post a chart of the arctic basin. Care to define the arctic basin...:rolleyes: This chart, from the experts, does not lie, unlike you.
  25. D

    Abbott: "Warmer when Jesus was a boy"

    try bigger fonts spambot:D
  26. D

    Now Xstrata exposed as liars.

    Re: labour fanbois panicking so in other words you dont have a clue. Absolute rubbish - there is no evidence anywhere to suggest the RSPT will be a disincentive for investment in the industry. Even those paragons of liberal groupspeak BIS disagree with you.:rolleyes...
  27. D

    Latest polls: "Labor faces wipeout"

    He may have an interest but the party at large has no interest in him. So yes he is talking out of his arse. A minor player on the periphery but as I say there is no one in the NSW govt who has ANY dealings with him. As for Brian Burke who cares, WA regional peasants board.
  28. D

    Latest polls: "Labor faces wipeout"

    No he doesn't. As I thought you're a twit. Richo cant even get a lobbying gig in the NSW parliament. Says it all.
  29. D

    Very good news about the economy

    Or what part of this do you fail to understand... A similar analysis, conducted by the US Council of Economic Advisers, but using different forecasts, and examining June quarter 2009 forecast errors, also found statistically significant relationships between fiscal stimulus and the extent to...
  30. D

    Latest polls: "Labor faces wipeout"

    You do realise (no, maybe you don't or you wouldn't have asked the question) that Richo works for news ltd.