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  1. Dramoth

    Official Club Stuff 2025 Membership Tally as at 7th March *93,402

    I reckon that you're right. Spanking a contender the way we did. With Harry off after 1 quarter, Mitch off in the second, and TDK only playing 60% of the game, we demolished them.
  2. Dramoth

    Preview Carlton v GWS Friday 28th Feb 5.20PM @ Manuka Oval - AAMI Community Series

    Well... I've watched the full match now. Damn... a 4 quarter effort with no real passengers. Had a couple of guys have quiet games, but the rest of the team was very impressive. On Doc. I feel that the club tried to rush him back last year and really screwed up his rehab and recovery from his...
  3. Dramoth

    Preview Carlton v GWS Friday 28th Feb 5.20PM @ Manuka Oval - AAMI Community Series

    I thought that a number of our guys managed to stand in the tackle and dish the ball out to another blues player.
  4. Dramoth

    Preview Carlton v GWS Friday 28th Feb 5.20PM @ Manuka Oval - AAMI Community Series

    I missed the first 3 quarters so now I'm watching it from the start :D
  5. Dramoth

    Preview Carlton v GWS Friday 28th Feb 5.20PM @ Manuka Oval - AAMI Community Series

    And Motts scores :D
  6. Dramoth

    Preview Carlton v GWS Friday 28th Feb 5.20PM @ Manuka Oval - AAMI Community Series

    I rated Jack... but Matt is the better player I feel.
  7. Dramoth

    Preview Carlton v GWS Friday 28th Feb 5.20PM @ Manuka Oval - AAMI Community Series

    Evans snags one as well :D
  8. Dramoth

    Preview Carlton v GWS Friday 28th Feb 5.20PM @ Manuka Oval - AAMI Community Series

    First to 100 wins :D
  9. Dramoth

    Preview Carlton v GWS Friday 28th Feb 5.20PM @ Manuka Oval - AAMI Community Series

    I liked Carroll against the Saints. Was a bit slow getting into the game. This week, from what I've seen so far, he is looking impressive.
  10. Dramoth

    Preview Carlton v GWS Friday 28th Feb 5.20PM @ Manuka Oval - AAMI Community Series

    The Ed Curnow role this year I reckon.
  11. Dramoth

    Preview Carlton v GWS Friday 28th Feb 5.20PM @ Manuka Oval - AAMI Community Series

    He looked off it against the Saints unfortunately.
  12. Dramoth

    Preview Carlton v GWS Friday 28th Feb 5.20PM @ Manuka Oval - AAMI Community Series

    Motts closing speed then was awesome :D
  13. Dramoth

    Official Club Stuff Carlton Academy - Next Gen & Father/Son/Daughter Discussion

    We better start getting Jeffy down to the club a bit more often and rebuild the bridges we burnt there. Good that Mitch still loves the blues.
  14. Dramoth

    Official Club Stuff 2025 Membership Tally as at 7th March *93,402

    We come out and flog the tiggers in 2 weeks, we can expect a 5-6k bump in those numbers.
  15. Dramoth

    Resource Mental Health

    Today is not a good day. Got a call from my late stepdad's sister (aunty) back on Sunday asking if we'd heard from her brother (uncle) recently. We hadn't, so I told her I'd look into it. Talked to my step-sister (I consider her my sister... my real sisters are campaigners) to see if she's heard...
  16. Dramoth

    Final Curtain Call - Extinct Actors

    A great actor. Could play any role with aplomb.
  17. Dramoth

    Final Curtain Call - Extinct Actors

    From what I heard, she had a liver transplant a few years ago and her death is possibly related to that.
  18. Dramoth

    Politics Violence against Nazis, acceptable?

    If they don’t take the first hint, upgrade to a baseball bat with nails in it.
  19. Dramoth

    Rookie 38. Will White

    Stoked for the young fella. Hope he tears it up this year in both the seniors and the VFL and makes the club offer him a full time spot. The only downside I can see is that this might be as jj1978 said, this could be cover for Durdin. We'll find out tomorrow what it is.
  20. Dramoth

    Politics Violence against Nazis, acceptable?

    That'd work as well. The melee weapon training would be interesting... the nazis with their flag poles, and the cooks with their big **** off cleavers.
  21. Dramoth

    Politics Violence against Nazis, acceptable?

    Yeah nah. If they want to be nazis, they can accept the consequences of their speech.
  22. Dramoth

    Injury Nothing to see here footy gods. Move along.

    That's what happened to Dorotich's son Jordan in 2015. Basically ended his career at age 21.
  23. Dramoth

    Injury Nothing to see here footy gods. Move along.

    Eventually, a club will say "we shouldn't be doing all this dangerous training, just give us the premiership cup now. We were going to be winning it this year anyway according to the media". Shit happens. Injuries happen. It's a full contact sport. What are we going to do? Turn it into flag...
  24. Dramoth

    Game Day Match Simulation - Carlton v St Kilda Sat 22nd Feb 11.00am @ Princes Park

    Bad corkie, Saad's now got a heavy bandage on his left thigh.
  25. Dramoth

    Game Day Match Simulation - Carlton v St Kilda Sat 22nd Feb 11.00am @ Princes Park

    FFS Saad is down. I suspect it's just a corkie.
  26. Dramoth

    Game Day Match Simulation - Carlton v St Kilda Sat 22nd Feb 11.00am @ Princes Park

    Moo in destruction mode :D
  27. Dramoth

    Official Club Stuff Carlton Academy - Next Gen & Father/Son/Daughter Discussion

    What are they going to do, tank the next two years to try and take him with the #1 pick next year? That'd only work if he didn't nominate us as a F/S connection. And there is fat chance that he'd do that.
  28. Dramoth

    Rookie 44. Francis Evans

    Good luck to Frank, I reckon we've now got a good balance of players on all lines at the club.
  29. Dramoth

    Politics Violence against Nazis, acceptable?

    Let them buy the place and set up... then use it as a SASR training ground.
  30. Dramoth

    Politics Violence against Nazis, acceptable?

    Is that the bunch of campaigners in South Australia who want to buy a big farm and establish a white community there? Where they can marry 14 year olds?