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  1. J

    Autopsy The Bont, The Bye & The Bathwater - Dogs By Plenty

    Just pathetic. They need to spend more time on mental focus and toughness, rather than Facebook happy clappy reels about bulls.t like who's going to have a great second half of the season. Absolute waste of 3 hrs watching this weak team. What's wrong with me?
  2. J

    Official Club Stuff Pre-GF Perth events, open training, etc

    Tickets... Am I dumb in thinking that I can just screenshot the ticket I bought for my father in law, text it to him as a pic and then he can scan in for entry? I'm hesitant to transfer to him - not confident he'll be able to sort it out at his end...
  3. J

    Official Club Stuff Pre-GF Perth events, open training, etc

    I reckon us lucky bastards with tickets should get a mob together and march to Optus after a couple of beers at Blasta! Anyone could join in I spose! Who's keen?
  4. J

    Official Club Stuff Pre-GF Perth events, open training, etc

    So Blasta is the official Bulldogs game day pub if you don't have a ticket? Or at least the pregame pub if you do?