Realise the media was desperate for pics - any pics… but I’ve looked at this on a large screen just to be certain and… that’s just swaddling there - no infant.
Everything surrounding this story is odd.
Honestly, if this neighbour is being quoted accurately, they are going to need to zip it or they won’t be allowed to give evidence at the trial. If what the Hun has quoted is true and this person is called as a witness, their testimony will be crucial. Initial reports made it sound like the...
It’s a mixed bag here. A senior lecturer earns around $130-140K a year + 17% super. She was apparently working too at some point (although what as in not clear).
A newish house in the suburb they were in (which is seriously down town) on a long-term loan is very manageable even on the one...
Tbh, I think you are likely pretty spot on. I’m sure the Prosecution profiler will be looking at that picture with all those thoughts in mind. It’s disturbing how easily people type cast themselves. I’ve seen several pics of the ‘happy couple’ published over the past few days. I haven’t seen an...
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