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  1. M

    Training 2023 Preseason + training discussion

    No photos to get excited about in this lot at all... Fyfe, Tabs, Corbett, Pearce, Jackson, Hamling all look in really good nick. Reidy and Emmett look most ready to...
  2. M

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    Nah the Bible is chock full of verses that are no longer relevant and are therefore conveniently ignored by the faithful. I'm pretty sure nobody is thinking they are going to hell for wearing two kinds material in their clothing (Leviticus 19:19). It's a book written by men for the time they...
  3. M

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    Christians are being persecuted in a bunch of countries where christianity isn't the dominant faith but it is misleading to take it out of context and apply those findings to countries like Australia and the US/UK. The persecution is predominantly happening in Afghanistan, North Korea, Somalia...
  4. M

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    I'm not pushing eradication but I think they need to be held accountable for their past actions and be expected to have to prove they have changed. To date they've had the equivalent of a slap on the wrist. Plenty of other organisations have been dissolved for far lesser crimes than what we are...
  5. M

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    The problem is these aren't actionable goals - it's all just words. "acknowledge Australia is the best country to live on earth" is about as useless as "Make America Great Again". It's just drivel and rest really isn't much better. The institutions and values that have stood the test of time...
  6. M

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    If they are proven guilty of something as bad as the systemic abuse of children then absolutely. But I'm not a fan of agnostics who treat people who have chosen a faith as if they are idiots either. Everyone should be entitled to choose whatever faith they want (and be who they are) without fear...
  7. M

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    So like I keep asking, give me a list of these values (or even just the most important ones) so we are speaking the same language and then we can have a proper debate about it. There is no question Biden is and always been a Democrat. My point was that he is closer to Republican values than most...
  8. M

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    It's not dead, it is just people are finally starting to reject extremism which has taken control of the agenda for the Republican party in the US. And slowly more are also noticing our own Liberal party has pushed way too far right over the past couple of decades as well. What I've been a bit...
  9. M

    Women's Footy AFLW Season Seven

    One step closer! C'mon North... keep going and win the whole thing.
  10. M

    Mega Thread 2022/23 Off-Season Sports Thread

  11. M

    Mega Thread Miscellaneous Freo Discussion thread

    That would be the Nads Cup.
  12. M

    Training 2023 Preseason + training discussion

    Dr Beard. May sound like the name of a Dr Seuss character but he's an excellent pick up. Left Freo to be a high performance coach across a heap of sports including for the Cleveland Browns and Chicago Cubs. His role at Freo will be Football Performance and Innovation Director. And unlike that...
  13. M

    Mega Thread Non-Freo AFL Discussion 2022 - Part 2

    If I have to fly to SA to watch Freo, I'd prefer the Barossa to Adelaide. The biggest problem will be getting back within the week for the subsequent home game.
  14. M

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    Thanks for that. I'm a fan of these philosophies as well but I always like to look at things from the perspectives of others who don't enjoy the same privileges I do. The reality is for a lot of people, they've never had free speech, they are still seeking it. And many are currently on their...
  15. M

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    I'm now genuinely curious about what your positions on things are and how much we differ about the areas I mentioned?
  16. M

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    Nah I only did that because they did it to me first. If someone is going to try and troll me I think I have a right to give it back don't I?
  17. M

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    I am fairly economically conservative. I don't like over regulation to the point I've been actively involved for over a decade in reducing red tape for one of the industries I work in. That work led to the shutting down of a WA government department a few years back, saving millions (on top of a...
  18. M

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    But they have to legislate at some point so they do make a decision on a cut off (eventually). And all states in the US have a cut off (ie a restriction). Think the latest cut off in any state is when the fetus becomes viable. All of them to my knowledge also require the procedure to be...
  19. M

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    That was kind of my point though. Being controlled is a lot worse than being talked about.
  20. M

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    Well you've certainly revealed that you clearly don't know what the definition of liberalism is.
  21. M

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    lol. I think I'm being cancelled :) I should have a big cry about it. Quick come and pile on right wing people. It is so frightening, it really is the most pressing issue in the world today.
  22. M

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    Resorted to personal attacks as well now mate? It is the go to weapon of choice when you don't actually want to debate the topic.
  23. M

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    1. I've already proven nobody is asking for unrestricted abortions using your own words. 2. I'm not a conservative. I've never said that I was. Feel free to spend your time proving me wrong :) 3. How about you direct message me your details so I can check your credentials?
  24. M

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    Agree with most of your post but the worst thing that could happen to someone ostracised in the past was to be talked about? I'm pretty certain you aren't that naive? Think the counterpoint to the internet enabling dirt finding is also that vulnerable people can now collectively defend...
  25. M

    Oppo Camp Former Freo player watch

    Kara Antonio being an assistant coach at Subi makes me hate them a little bit less.
  26. M

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    You keep bringing up that I've claimed I am a conservative. I haven't. I've said more than once that I'm a centrist. I suspect you may still be struggling with the concept that not all members of the Liberal party are conservatives? I'm one of them, a moderate who aligns more with Turnbull and...
  27. M

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    You posted an article? Had a quick skim back and can't find it. Possibly in amongst the propaganda BS posts by other RWers on here so apologise if I missed it. Don't confuse my disdain for others that just like to shout on here when they don't like their ideologies being challenged with actually...
  28. M

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    You literally just said it yourself in a post above.... California has next to no restrictions Next to no means some. It does not mean none like the person I was replying to claimed. Lol.
  29. M

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    You drunk mate? Go have a Lady Grey and sleep it off :)
  30. M

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    Fair enough. I've perhaps got some simpler questions that might help us join the dots. Regarding the dozens of people from your workplace that made academic inquiry and challenged the orthodoxy that effectively committed career suicide (in your words). That's a lot of ultra vague terms so can...