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  1. I

    Society/Culture The housing crisis. How is it fixed?

    That is not how it works at all mate. Markets are built up and then crash....allowing buyers to buy assets on the cheap and then the market builds again.....and the cycle repeats.
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    Anthony Albanese - How long? -2-

    It is a catch 22. I think Albanese deserves to be voted out solely due to the immigration issue and what he said pre-election v what he did once elected. However, the coming economic downturn from 2026 to 2032 will ensure whoever is in government will feel it at the ballot box. Fred Harrison...
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    Anthony Albanese - How long? -2-

    Just the anger in the community. Any social media post from Albo is just inundated with it.
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    Anthony Albanese - How long? -2-

    Mate, I'm one rent raise away from sleeping in my car. What have I got to lose voting for Dutton? Tell me honestly. I don't care about climate change, I don't care about social media - hell, I don't even use the damn thing - why would I care about any of those things when I'm just trying to...
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    Anthony Albanese - How long? -2-

    I honestly am starting to think that the ALP can't win the next election with Albanese as their leader. Folks, Im calling it now, i repeat, there is a real, live chance that we are looking at a one term government. I never thought I'd see anything to rival the LNP losing government after one...
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    Society/Culture The housing crisis. How is it fixed?

    The prices of rentals especially will push people to innovate to escape the higher prices - whether that is group housing or moving in with their folks or even living in their car. That is how markets work - if you price the market out, then the market will innovate - which in turn leads to...
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    What would a Dutton Liberal leadership mean for the Liberals and the country?

    In many aspects I agree with you. But the ALP and Albanese made the decision to import a huge amount of migrants which has put enormous pressure on the housing market - specifically the rental market - generally populated by the less well off. It goes against totally what Albanese said...
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    USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

    Wired The Donald $100. Every bit counts.
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    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 20: The Decline of Donald

    Whatever you think about The Donald, one thing is for certain, he has melons for balls. The guy is unstoppable. I'd be proud to call him Mr President.
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    The Law Australian Police brutality thread.

    The sophisticated mind likes simple things. The simple mind....sophisticated things. Maybe something to be aware of before starting your next tome to post on big footy.
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    USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

    The facts are that the vast majority of the polled populace want immigration cut - yet the political parties ignore the populace. Should the populace be ignored on such an important issue? Is it a case of the unwashed not knowing what is good for them? This explains the ride of The Donald...
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    USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

    That is a disgusting post. Essentially calling me a racist because I believe in border control? I ask you to either edit or delete that post.
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    USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

    I didn't know that - I am trusting your sources - it doesn't change my opinion. Anyone who overstays illegally should be deported at the deporting state's expense - whether they come via jet and overstay on holiday, or whether they cross borders illegally on foot. I make no distinction...
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    USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

    Get a grip mate. Seriously. I've made my points. I vote.
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    USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

    How so? I'm pro Trump largely because he gets under the skin of the self-important far-left elites - we all know the type.
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    USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

    I think we have differing views on immigration. We are far apart on the issue. I believe that no country has any obligation to take in anyone that isn't a citizen. Of course, every country should have the option of taking a select number of immigrants if they well choose. However, people can...
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    USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

    Of course. It is a huge issue at the moment - across all western countries truth be told. I haven't seen the plan - but if someone enters a country illegally and gives birth while they are there, I don't necessarily think that should preclude them from being deported. I think that is a...
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    USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

    I haven't heard him say that. I can't comment. But I'm anti open borders. So is most the population. Trump wouldn't be a viable candidate if political parties listened to the populace on this issue. That is the real issue here.
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    USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

    Borderline offensive post. Countries have a right to protect their borders - with any force necessary. Just like you lock your house at night.
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    USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

    I can see what you are saying - but when has any political party helped anyone but their donors? Donald Trump would never have been elected in 2016 if it wasn't for the perennial hollowing out of the middle class, bit by bit, from 1995 onwards. For me, Obama bailing out Wall St bankers in...
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    USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

    Fair points. A lot of my like for Trump is that he infuriates a lot of lefties - Trump has an ego and is self centred - I know all that. I expect it. He doesn't try and hide it. Politicians, and in some respects lefties in general, like Harris are the opposite - they are equally as...
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    USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

    Wait what? Zero hedge had an article looking at various polls post the debate that show a jump in support for The Donald. I'm not surprised at all. This ain't over yet folks. Havesumadat!!!!
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    Society/Culture The housing crisis. How is it fixed?

    Perhaps. But it just leads to more systemic risk.
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    Society/Culture The housing crisis. How is it fixed?

    Fred Harrison is the only economist I know of who predicted the 1990 downturn and the 2008 GFC. He says what is coming will surpass the 2008 GFC. Make of that what you will.
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    Society/Culture The housing crisis. How is it fixed?

    Essentially, a housing bubble reaches a point where both mortgage holders, and renters, start paying an ever increasing amount of their take home pay purely to keeping a roof over their head - that leaves less pay to spend on other facets of the economy - going out to a restaurant for example...
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    Coach Has Ken Hinkley Been Found Out?

    Yep. It was great to watch. Loved it.
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    Coach Has Ken Hinkley Been Found Out?

    Nothing like being on the losing end of the scoreboard but trying to take the moral high ground.
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    Coach Has Ken Hinkley Been Found Out?

    As a neutral, i thought it was great to see Hinkley dishing it out to Ginnivan. Winners are grinners. All the carry on and apologizing is indicative of where are as a society - everyone is so easily offended. Years ago this would have been laughed about, "the boys are getting a bit rowdy!"...
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    Society/Culture The housing crisis. How is it fixed?

    I can't really to be honest - perhaps Gladstone in Central Queensland - in the early 2010s, although it probably scrapes in as a mining town. However, i remember distinctly the region being in a rental crisis with heaps of families priced out and sleeping in tents and caravan parks. Then there...
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    Unwanted Pregnancy Advice

    I'm not sure. Lots of people these days don't want kids - they are motivated purely by career - which is fair enough. OP should see this as an opportunity for growth. People saying don't "ruin your life" have nothing of value to add.